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The effect of heavy metal contamination pre-conditioning in the heat stress tolerance of native and invasive Mediterranean halophytes [期刊论文]
Ecological Indicators, 2020-01-01, 111
Carreiras J.;  Alberto Pérez-Romero J.;  Mateos-Naranjo E.;  Redondo-Gómez S.;  Rita Matos A.;  Caçador I.;  Duarte B.
Constraints on Meso- to Neoproterozoic seawater from ancient evaporite deposits [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020-01-01, 532
Blättler C.L.;  Bergmann K.D.;  Kah L.C.;  Gómez-Pérez I.;  Higgins J.A.
Satellite-derived mapping of kelp distribution and water optics in the glacier impacted Yendegaia Fjord (Beagle Channel, Southern Chilean Patagonia) [期刊论文]
Science of the Total Environment, 2020-01-01, 703
Huovinen P.;  Ramírez J.;  Palacios M.;  Gómez I.
Surface indicators are correlated with soil multifunctionality in global drylands [期刊论文]
Journal of Applied Ecology, 2020-01-01, 57 (2
Eldridge D.J.;  Delgado-Baquerizo M.;  Quero J.L.;  Ochoa V.;  Gozalo B.;  García-Palacios P.;  Escolar C.;  García-Gómez M.;  Prina A.;  Bowker M.A.;  Bran D.E.;  Castro I.;  Cea A.;  Derak M.;  Espinosa C.I.;  Florentino A.;  Gaitán J.J.;  Gatica G.;  Gómez-González S.;  Ghiloufi W.;  Gutierrez J.R.;  Gusmán-Montalván E.;  Hernández R.M.;  Hughes F.M.;  Muiño W.;  Monerris J.;  Ospina A.;  Ramírez D.A.;  Ribas-Fernández Y.A.;  Romão R.L.;  Torres-Díaz C.;  Koen T.B.;  Maestre F.T.
Synchrony matters more than species richness in plant community stability at a global scale [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020-01-01, 117 (39
Valencia E.;  de Bello F.;  Galland T.;  Adler P.B.;  Lepš J.;  E-Vojtkó A.;  van Klink R.;  Carmona C.P.;  Danihelka J.;  Dengler J.;  Eldridge D.J.;  Estiarte M.;  García-González R.;  Garnier E.;  Gómez‐García D.;  Harrison S.P.;  Herben T.;  Ibáñez R.;  Jentsch A.;  Juergens N.;  Kertész M.;  Klumpp K.;  Louault F.;  Marrs R.H.;  Ogaya R.;  Ónodi G.;  Pakeman R.J.;  Pardo I.;  Pärtel M.;  Peco B.;  Peñuelas J.;  Pywell R.F.;  Rueda M.;  Schmidt W.;  Schmiedel U.;  Schuetz M.;  Skálová H.;  Šmilauer P.;  Šmilauerová M.;  Smit C.;  Song M.;  Stock M.;  Val J.;  Vandvik V.;  Ward D.;  Wesche K.;  Wiser S.K.;  Woodcock B.A.;  Young T.P.;  Yu F.-H.;  Zobel M.;  Götzenberger L.
Calibrating the coevolution of Ediacaran life and environment [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020-01-01, 117 (29
Rooney A.D.;  Cantine M.D.;  Bergmann K.D.;  Gómez-Pérez I.;  Baloushi B.A.;  Boag T.H.;  Busch J.F.;  Sperling E.A.;  Strauss J.V.
Constraints on Meso- to Neoproterozoic seawater from ancient evaporite deposits [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2020-01-01, 532
Blättler C.L.;  Bergmann K.D.;  Kah L.C.;  Gómez-Pérez I.;  Higgins J.A.
Simulation of extreme heat events over the Valencia coastal region: Sensitivity to initial conditions and boundary layer parameterizations [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Research, 2019-01-01, 218
Gómez I.;  Niclòs R.;  Estrela M.J.;  Caselles V.;  Barberà M.J.
Sediment Respiration Pulses in Intermittent Rivers and Ephemeral Streams [期刊论文]
Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 2019-01-01, 33 (10
von Schiller D.;  Datry T.;  Corti R.;  Foulquier A.;  Tockner K.;  Marcé R.;  García-Baquero G.;  Odriozola I.;  Obrador B.;  Elosegi A.;  Mendoza-Lera C.;  Gessner M.O.;  Stubbington R.;  Albariño R.;  Allen D.C.;  Altermatt F.;  Arce M.I.;  Arnon S.;  Banas D.;  Banegas-Medina A.;  Beller E.;  Blanchette M.L.;  Blanco-Libreros J.F.;  Blessing J.;  Boëchat I.G.;  Boersma K.S.;  Bogan M.T.;  Bonada N.;  Bond N.R.;  Brintrup K.;  Bruder A.;  Burrows R.M.;  Cancellario T.;  Carlson S.M.;  Cauvy-Fraunié S.;  Cid N.;  Danger M.;  de Freitas Terra B.;  Dehedin A.;  De Girolamo A.M.;  del Campo R.;  Díaz-Villanueva V.;  Duerdoth C.P.;  Dyer F.;  Faye E.;  Febria C.;  Figueroa R.;  Four B.;  Gafny S.;  Gómez R.;  Gómez-Gener L.;  Graça M.A.S.;  Guareschi S.;  Gücker B.;  Hoppeler F.;  Hwan J.L.;  Kubheka S.;  Laini A.;  Langhans S.D.;  Leigh C.;  Little C.J.;  Lorenz S.;  Marshall J.;  Martín E.J.;  McIntosh A.;  Meyer E.I.;  Miliša M.;  Mlambo M.C.;  Moleón M.;  Morais M.;  Negus P.;  Niyogi D.;  Papatheodoulou A.;  Pardo I.;  Pařil P.;  Pešić V.;  Piscart C.;  Polášek M.;  Rodríguez-Lozano P.;  Rolls R.J.;  Sánchez-Montoya M.M.;  Savić A.;  Shumilova O.;  Steward A.;  Taleb A.;  Uzan A.;  Vander Vorste R.;  Waltham N.;  Woelfle-Erskine C.;  Zak D.;  Zarfl C.;  Zoppini A.
Microplastic and tar pollution on three Canary Islands beaches: An annual study [期刊论文]
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2018-01-01, 129 (2
Herrera A.;  Asensio M.;  Martínez I.;  Santana A.;  Packard T.;  Gómez M.

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