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Ecology and evolutionary biology must elevate BIPOC scholars [期刊论文]
Ecology Letters, 2021-01-01, 24 (5
Duc Bo Massey M.;  Arif S.;  Albury C.;  Cluney V.A.
Associations of exposure to nitrogen dioxide and major roadways with growth trajectories and obesity at 2 years old: A prospective cohort study [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 232
Chen X.;  Liao J.;  Xu S.;  Zhang B.;  Wang W.;  Cao Z.;  Mahai G.;  Yang X.;  Zhang Y.;  Liang S.;  Hu K.;  Li Y.;  Xia W.
Cigarette smoking increases deaths associated with air pollution in Hong Kong [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 223
Sun S.;  Cao W.;  Chan K.-P.;  Ran J.;  Ge Y.;  Zhang Y.;  Feng Y.;  Zeng Q.;  Lee R.S.-Y.;  Wong C.-M.;  Tian L.;  Lei Y.
Estimating the attributable burden of preterm birth and low birth weight due to maternal ozone exposure in nine Chinese cities [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 222
Yang Y.;  Liang Z.;  Ruan Z.;  Zhang S.;  Zhao Q.;  Lin H.
Associations of exposure to nitrogen dioxide and major roadways with growth trajectories and obesity at 2 years old: A prospective cohort study [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 232
Chen X.;  Liao J.;  Xu S.;  Zhang B.;  Wang W.;  Cao Z.;  Mahai G.;  Yang X.;  Zhang Y.;  Liang S.;  Hu K.;  Li Y.;  Xia W.
Cigarette smoking increases deaths associated with air pollution in Hong Kong [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 223
Sun S.;  Cao W.;  Chan K.-P.;  Ran J.;  Ge Y.;  Zhang Y.;  Feng Y.;  Zeng Q.;  Lee R.S.-Y.;  Wong C.-M.;  Tian L.;  Lei Y.
Estimating the attributable burden of preterm birth and low birth weight due to maternal ozone exposure in nine Chinese cities [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2020-01-01, 222
Yang Y.;  Liang Z.;  Ruan Z.;  Zhang S.;  Zhao Q.;  Lin H.
Assessing California's progress toward its 2020 greenhouse gas emissions limit [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2020-01-01, 138
Mastrandrea M.D.;  Inman M.;  Cullenward D.
Regeneration of Metrosideros polymorpha forests in Hawaii after landscape-level canopy dieback [期刊论文]
JOURNAL OF VEGETATION SCIENCE, 2019-01-01, 30 (1) : 146-155
Mertelmeyer, Linda;  Jacobi, James D.;  Mueller-Dombois, Dieter;  Brinck, Kevin;  Boehmer, Hans Juergen
It Is Not a Cohort Thing: Interrogating the Relationship Between Age, Cohort, and Support for the Environment [期刊论文]
ENVIRONMENT AND BEHAVIOR, 2019-01-01, 51 (7) : 879-901
Johnson, Erik W.;  Schwadel, Philip

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