globalchange  > 气候变化事实与影响
DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2019.02.019
Scopus记录号: 2-s2.0-85062224966
Micro-milling super-fine powdered activated carbon decreases adsorption capacity by introducing oxygen/hydrogen-containing functional groups on carbon surface from water
作者: Takaesu H.; Matsui Y.; Nishimura Y.; Matsushita T.; Shirasaki N.
刊名: Water Research
ISSN: 431354
出版年: 2019
卷: 155
起始页码: 66
结束页码: 75
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Bentazone ; Geosmin ; Isotherm ; Mechanochemical reaction ; SPAC
英文摘要: Superfine powdered activated carbon (SPAC) of micron to submicron particle size is produced by micro-milling of conventionally sized powdered activated carbon. SPAC has attracted attention because of its high adsorption capacity; however, milling to the submicron particle size range lowers its adsorption capacity. Here, we found that this decrease of adsorption capacity was due to the introduction of oxygen/hydrogen-containing functional groups into the graphene structure of the carbon from water during the milling, causing it to become less hydrophobic. This finding was supported by three analyses of SPAC particles before and after milling: 1) elemental analysis revealed increased oxygen and hydrogen content, 2) Boehm titration analysis revealed increased amounts of acidic functional groups, including carboxylic and phenolic hydroxyl groups, and 3) Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy showed increased peaks at 1200, 1580, and 3400 cm −1 , confirming the presence of those groups. Dissolved oxygen concentration did not strongly affect the increase of oxygen content in SPAC, and no evidence was found for hydroxyl radical production during micro-milling, suggesting that a mechanochemical reaction underlies the increase in oxygen/hydrogen-containing functional groups. An increase in 18 O content in the SPAC particles after milling in water- 18 O indicated that the oxygen in the functional groups originated from the surrounding water. © 2019 Elsevier Ltd
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被引频次[WOS]:20   [查看WOS记录]     [查看WOS中相关记录]
资源类型: 期刊论文
Appears in Collections:气候变化事实与影响

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作者单位: Graduate School of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Japan; Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Japan

Recommended Citation:
Takaesu H.,Matsui Y.,Nishimura Y.,et al. Micro-milling super-fine powdered activated carbon decreases adsorption capacity by introducing oxygen/hydrogen-containing functional groups on carbon surface from water[J]. Water Research,2019-01-01,155
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