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DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0113500
Seasonal Variation of Overall and Cardiovascular Mortality: A Study in 19 Countries from Different Geographic Locations
作者: Helena Marti-Soler; Semira Gonseth; Cédric Gubelmann; Silvia Stringhini; Pascal Bovet; Pau-Chung Chen; Bogdan Wojtyniak; Fred Paccaud; Dai-Hua Tsai; Tomasz Zdrojewski; Pedro Marques-Vidal
ISSN: 1932-6203
出版年: 2014
发表日期: 2014-11-24
卷: 9, 期:11
英文关键词: Cardiovascular diseases ; Seasons ; Latitude ; Seasonal variations ; Northern Hemisphere ; Southern Hemisphere ; Winter ; Respiratory infections
英文摘要: Background Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) mortality has been shown to follow a seasonal pattern. Several studies suggested several possible determinants of this pattern, including misclassification of causes of deaths. We aimed at assessing seasonality in overall, CVD, cancer and non-CVD/non-cancer mortality using data from 19 countries from different latitudes. Methods and Findings Monthly mortality data were compiled from 19 countries, amounting to over 54 million deaths. We calculated ratios of the observed to the expected numbers of deaths in the absence of a seasonal pattern. Seasonal variation (peak to nadir difference) for overall and cause-specific (CVD, cancer or non-CVD/non-cancer) mortality was analyzed using the cosinor function model. Mortality from overall, CVD and non-CVD/non-cancer showed a consistent seasonal pattern. In both hemispheres, the number of deaths was higher than expected in winter. In countries close to the Equator the seasonal pattern was considerably lower for mortality from any cause. For CVD mortality, the peak to nadir differences ranged from 0.185 to 0.466 in the Northern Hemisphere, from 0.087 to 0.108 near the Equator, and from 0.219 to 0.409 in the Southern Hemisphere. For cancer mortality, the seasonal variation was nonexistent in most countries. Conclusions In countries with seasonal variation, mortality from overall, CVD and non-CVD/non-cancer show a seasonal pattern with mortality being higher in winter than in summer. Conversely, cancer mortality shows no substantial seasonality.
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作者单位: Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, Lausanne University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland

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Helena Marti-Soler,Semira Gonseth,Cédric Gubelmann,et al. Seasonal Variation of Overall and Cardiovascular Mortality: A Study in 19 Countries from Different Geographic Locations[J]. PLOS ONE,2014-01-01,9(11)
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