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DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0160601
Structure of Benthic Communities along the Taiwan Latitudinal Gradient
作者: Lauriane Ribas-Deulofeu; Vianney Denis; Stéphane De Palmas; Chao-Yang Kuo; Hernyi Justin Hsieh; Chaolun Allen Chen
ISSN: 1932-6203
出版年: 2016
发表日期: 2016-8-11
卷: 11, 期:8
英文关键词: Coral reefs ; Taiwan ; Corals ; Algae ; Ocean temperature ; Latitude ; Sea water ; Rivers
英文摘要: The distribution and the structure of benthic assemblages vary with latitude. However, few studies have described benthic communities along large latitudinal gradients, and patterns of variation are not fully understood. Taiwan, lying between 21.90°N and 25.30°N, is located at the center of the Philippine-Japan arc and lies at the northern margin of coral reef development. A wide range of habitats is distributed along this latitudinal gradient, from extensive fringing coral reefs at the southern coast to non-reefal communities at the north. In this study, we examined the structure of benthic communities around Taiwan, by comparing its assemblages in four regions, analyzing the effects of the latitudinal gradient, and highlighting regional characteristics. A total of 25 sites, 125 transects, and 2,625 photographs were used to analyze the benthic communities. Scleractinian corals present an obvious gradient of increasing diversity from north to south, whereas macro-algae diversity is higher on the north-eastern coast. At the country scale, Taiwanese coral communities were dominated by turf algae (49%). At the regional scale, we observed an important heterogeneity that may be caused by local disturbances and habitat degradation that smooths out regional differences. In this context, our observations highlight the importance of managing local stressors responsible for reef degradation. Overall, this study provides an important baseline upon which future changes in benthic assemblages around Taiwan can be assessed.
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作者单位: Department of Life Science, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, 11677, Taiwan

Recommended Citation:
Lauriane Ribas-Deulofeu,Vianney Denis,Stéphane De Palmas,et al. Structure of Benthic Communities along the Taiwan Latitudinal Gradient[J]. PLOS ONE,2016-01-01,11(8)
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