globalchange  > 气候变化与战略
CSCD记录号: CSCD:5747508
其他题名: Can we prevent extinction?
作者: 蒋志刚
刊名: 科学通报
ISSN: 0023-074X
出版年: 2016
卷: 61, 期:18, 页码:22-31
语种: 中文
中文关键词: 物种灭绝 ; 大灭绝 ; 濒危物种红色名录
英文关键词: extinction ; massive extinction ; endandered species redlist
WOS研究方向: Evolutionary Biology
中文摘要: 以物种大面积濒危为特征的生物多样性危机是目前人类面临的危机. 在人类出现以前, 物种消亡是不可避免的自然现象. 地球上的物种处于不断的生灭过程之中. 物种灭绝的原因可能是由于其未能适应环境的结果,还有可能是机遇的结果, 甚至可能是由于某种荒唐的原因(wanton reason). 人类已经成为生物进化的重要选择力,导致了许多物种的生存危机. 除了生物学的、进化的原因. 生境丧失、过度利用、污染是物种濒危的主要因素外, 还有气候变化、入侵物种等因素. 这些因素都与人类有关. 史前已经出现了5次物种大灭绝. 当代的物种消亡速率高于物种消亡速率历史背景值, 有证据显示, 我们面临着第6次物种大灭绝. 人类活动是当代物种消亡的主要推手.解铃还须系铃人, 人类既然能够导致物种消亡, 人类能够、也必须采取措施, 避免物种高速消亡.
英文摘要: The biodiversity crisis characterized by large scale species endangerment is a serious problem faced by modern humankind. Species extinction is an unavoidable natural phenomenon and cannot be prevented. Species on earth are in a constant birth and death evolutionary process: old species die off or evolve into new ones while new species evolve to fill the empty niches left behind by extinct taxa. Causes of species extinction may be attributed to maladaptation of the species to the changed environment, or a species may be simply wiped out by a changed environment or bad luck in evolution; or even due to stochastic reasons, independent of the species adaptability to the environment. Like the other life forms, a species has its life span. Average life span for a species is less than 10 million years, spanning from one million years to several million years depending on the taxon. About 4 billion species once lived on earth, but 99% of them are already extinct. Species extinction is meaningful issue in evolution, if all species had persisted on the earth today, the earth would have been too crowded for the limited living space and ecological niches. The evolution of life would have stopped; new life forms would have no chance to emerge. Each time after a mass species extinction, the earths biodiversity rebounded, marked by arising of new species, genera and families. For example, the rapid radiation of mammals on earth after extinction of dinosaurs, ungulates and Homindae quickly occupied the empty niches left by dinosaurs. Humankind is now an important selection force in evolution. Five major mass extinctions occurred on earth before human civilization. Ample evidence indicated that we now confronting the Sixth Mass Extinction: since the Industrial Revolution, hundreds of species already disappeared from earth. Led by the amphibians, many mammals, birds, and reptile and plants on the earth are endangered. Besides the biological evolutionary cues, loss of habitat, overexploitation, environmental pollution, plus climate change, and invasive species are the main causes that threaten survival of extant species. The extinction rate in modern times is higher than the historical background records. Endangered species could be classified as evolutionarily endangered species or ecologically endangered species, the endangerment of the former is characterized by phylogenetic, endemic and life history causes whereas the latter are endangered by human induced environmental changes in ecological time. Human activities modify or change the environment and threaten the survival of many species; Human activities are the main driving force behind the Sixth Mass Extinction. How do we save those endangered species? It is better for the doer to undo what he has done. Humankind has an inescapable responsibility to rescue those species in peril. We should take measures to avoid the high extinction risks in modern fauna and flora.
资源类型: 期刊论文
Appears in Collections:气候变化与战略

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作者单位: 中国科学院动物研究所, 北京 100101, 中国

Recommended Citation:
蒋志刚. 能否避免物种灭绝?[J]. 科学通报,2016-01-01,61(18):22-31
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