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CSCD记录号: CSCD:6041834
其他题名: Screening and Functional Analysis of Heat Shock Factor (HSF) Family in Medicago truncatula and Medicago lupulina L
作者: 李菲; 何小红; 张习敏; 龚记熠; 乙引
刊名: 分子植物育种
ISSN: 1672-416X
出版年: 2017
卷: 15, 期:7, 页码:332-340
语种: 中文
中文关键词: 蒺藜苜蓿 ; 转录因子 ; 逆境
英文关键词: HSF ; Medicago truncatula ; HSF ; Transcription factor ; Stress condition
WOS研究方向: Plant Sciences
中文摘要: 全球气候变化构成了对全球重要农作物和世界食品安全的主要威胁。植物生物学家和育种者迫切需要改善当前种质,开发出能够在胁迫条件下有高水平表现的新品种。热应激转录因子(Hsfs)是植物热激反应(Heat Shock Response)的中心环节,通过调节大量功能基因的转录来控制HSR的信号传导和代谢反应。利用蒺藜苜蓿基因组序列和基因芯片数据,我们筛选出蒺藜苜蓿HSFs转录因子基因家族,对蒺藜苜蓿HSFs基因家族进行基因结构、染色体位置和系统进化关系分析,并对蒺藜苜蓿HSFs基因响应生物和非生物胁迫过程中的功能进行预测。此外,我们还对天蓝苜蓿的叶片转录组进行高通量测序,并分析了天蓝苜蓿叶片中存在的HSFs基因序列。我们的结果显示,蒺藜苜蓿基因组中有23个HSF基因,这些基因参与蒺藜苜蓿对生物和非生物胁迫的响应,不仅对于苜蓿改良,对于农作物的改良也会有巨大的应用潜力。
英文摘要: Global climate change poses a major threat to crop growth and world food security. Plant biologists and breeders urgently need to improve the current germplasm and develop new varieties that can perform at high levels under stress conditions. Heat stress transcription factors (Hsfs) are the central part of plant heat shock response, which regulate a large number of functional genes to control HSR signaling and metabolic reactions. Using the genome sequence and gene chip data of Medicago truncatula, we screened the HSFs transcription factor gene family of Medicago truncatula, analyzed the HSFs gene structure, chromosomal location and phylogenetic relationship, and predicted the HSFs gene response to biotic and abiotic stresses. In addition, high-throughput sequencing of the leaf transcriptome of Medicago lupulina L. was carried out, and the HSFs gene sequences in the leaves of Medicago lupulina L. were analyzed. Our results showed that there were 23 HSF genes in the genome of Medicago truncatula, and these genes involved in the response to biological and abiotic stress of Medicago truncatula could not only improve the alfalfa, but also have great potential for crop improvement.
资源类型: 期刊论文
Appears in Collections:气候变化事实与影响

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作者单位: 贵州师范大学生命科学学院, 植物生理与发育调控贵州省重点实验室, 贵阳, 贵州 550025, 中国

Recommended Citation:
李菲,何小红,张习敏,等. 蒺藜苜蓿和天蓝苜蓿热激因子(HSF)家族的筛选与功能分析[J]. 分子植物育种,2017-01-01,15(7):332-340
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