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CSCD记录号: CSCD:6511614
其他题名: Analysis on the dual constraints of energy and environment to the development of China and countermeasures
作者: 武强1; 涂坤1
刊名: 科学通报
ISSN: 0023-074X
出版年: 2019
卷: 64, 期:15, 页码:870-877
语种: 中文
中文关键词: 安全 ; 环境污染 ; 生态损伤
英文关键词: energy and environment ; dual constraints ; magnificent goal ; energy strategies ; countermeasures
WOS研究方向: Plant Sciences
中文摘要: 改革开放40年来,我国经济和社会发展取得了举世瞩目的成就,但经济社会高速发展与能源资源供给和生态环境的矛盾日益突出.随着能源生产与消费革命的推进,需要根据中国自身能源禀赋特征精准制定符合国情的能源战略,确保国家制定的宏伟发展目标所需求能源的有效供给和安全,保障经济社会可持续发展,满足人民日益增长的美好生活需要.中国是世界上能源消费大国和碳排放大国,面临着能源安全、环境污染、生态损伤、气候变化等诸多挑战.但中国在能源结构优化、能源供给与消费侧精准配置、能效提升、节能减排、能源技术创新等方面有着巨大的发展空间和潜力,这将是解决中国未来宏伟发展目标与能源支撑不足的尖锐矛盾和问题的关键.
英文摘要: Energy is an important fundamental guarantee for realizing the overarching goal of building a modernized socialist power in the middle of this century, as proposed in the report of the 19th National Congress. Energy demand and total consumption will continue to increase with advancement of industrialization and urbanization, and implementation of the rural revitalization strategy. In the past 40 years of reform and opening up, although China's economic and social development has yielded remarkable achievements, the contradiction between rapid economic and social development and the supply of energy resources and the ecological environment has become increasingly apparent. China's development therefore faces the dual constraints of energy and environment, which relate to the country's socialist modernization. In this new era, in the process of realizing the country's ambitious development goals, China faces multiple constraints, such as insufficient energy support, ecological environmental protection, and global climate change pressures. Major challenges and issues much be addressed regarding how to address the energy resource-related characteristics of China's lack of oil, decreased supply of gas, depleted uranium, and relatively rich coal supplies. Under the pressure of ecological environment and global climate change is the issue of exploring energy sustainable development programs possessing Chinese characteristics to address the ambitious development goals along with the contradictions and conflicts, such as energy shortages and environmental climate constraints. In this work, we analyze the current status and development trends of China's major non-renewable energy sources. The study also elaborates on the sharp contradiction between China's extensive future development goals with a lack of energy supply and with environmental limitations. It points out that energy and environment are important factors that constrain China's future economic and social development, and are also related to realization of the grand goal of socialist modernization. The basic situation and the development trend of primary energy in China are analyzed in terms of production and consumption of primary energy and its influence on the environment and social development. Opportunities and challenges faced by China's energy development in this new era are also discussed. We propose that in the new era of energy, strategies with Chinese features must be precisely developed based on energy endowment characteristics within the country. The main elements of this include: adhering to open source and throttling; in the future, improving on the proportion of renewable energy in China's energy mix and achieving low carbon emissions and energy transformation though use of wind power and photovoltaics, which will be primary resources for China; and establishing the primary energy in the form of an upgraded version of the coal industry, and striving to create a modernized energy system with high energy efficiency, advanced technology, low pollution, low emissions, low impact on ecological environment, diversified energy structure, and safe and stable supply. In the context of promoting energy production and a consumption revolution in the new era, strategies addressing the dual constraints faced by economic and social development in China, and their countermeasures, are of strategic significance for energy security, ecological security, and economic security for China.
资源类型: 期刊论文
Appears in Collections:气候变化事实与影响

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作者单位: 1.中国矿业大学(北京)地球科学与测绘工程学院
4., 北京
5.北京 100083
6.100083, 中国

Recommended Citation:
武强,涂坤. 我国发展面临能源与环境的双重约束分析及对策思考[J]. 科学通报,2019-01-01,64(15):870-877
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