globalchange  > 气候变化与战略
DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117613
Factors affecting variability in fossil-fueled transit bus emission rates
作者: Wei T.; Frey H.C.
刊名: Atmospheric Environment
ISSN: 1352-2310
出版年: 2020
卷: 233
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Bus transportation ; Carbon dioxide ; Carbon monoxide ; Compressed natural gas ; Diesel engines ; Environmental Protection Agency ; Life cycle ; Natural gas vehicles ; Nitrogen oxides ; Pollution ; Powertrains ; Average emission rate ; Compressed natural gasses (CNG) ; Emission inventories ; High speed driving ; Life Cycle Inventory ; Motor vehicle emissions ; Total hydrocarbons ; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency ; Fleet operations ; carbon dioxide ; carbon monoxide ; fossil fuel ; hydrocarbon ; natural gas ; nitrogen oxide ; carbon dioxide ; carbon emission ; carbon monoxide ; emission inventory ; exhaust emission ; fossil fuel ; life cycle analysis ; natural gas ; nitric oxide ; particulate matter ; spatiotemporal analysis ; traffic emission ; Article ; calibration ; carbon footprint ; catalyst ; combustion ; comparative study ; controlled study ; environmental protection ; exhaust gas ; particulate matter ; priority journal ; United States ; velocity ; United States
学科: Bus size ; Exhaust emissions ; Passenger load ; Transit bus
中文摘要: Globally, there are over 10 million transit buses. Exhaust emissions from transit buses include carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), total hydrocarbons (THC), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate matter (PM). Key factors affecting bus emission rates have been evaluated separately or in limited combinations in prior studies, including bus size, fuel and powertrain, passenger load, driving cycle, and model year. However, bus emission rates are jointly affected by all of these factors. To systematically evaluate these factors, a transit bus emissions model (TBEM) was developed. TBEM is calibrated based on generic compressed natural gas (CNG) and diesel bus types represented in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency MOtor Vehicle Emission Simulator and empirical cycle average emission rates from the Integrated Bus Information System. The importance of the factors varies depending on the pollutant. For emission rates per vehicle-kilometer, model year is an important factor for NOx and PM, fuel and powertrain is an important factor for CO and THC, and driving cycle and bus size are important factors for CO2. For emission rates per passenger-kilometer, passenger load is generally an important factor for each pollutant. For a given fuel and powertrain and pollutant, smaller buses have lower emission rates per vehicle-kilometer than larger buses. However, a full large bus has lower emission rates per passenger-kilometer than a full small bus. There are tradeoffs among bus types regarding emission rates, especially for THC and PM. The comparison of bus emission rates is dependent on interactions between these key factors. For example, the effect of bus size and passenger load on emission rates is larger for lower speed driving cycles. For 2010 and newer model year buses and for moderate to high speed driving cycles, diesel buses have the lowest NOx emission rates whereas for low speed cycles, CNG buses have the lowest NOx emission rates. However, for 2007 to 2009 model year buses, CNG buses have the lowest NOx emission rates regardless of driving cycle. The study will be useful in helping transit planners and policy makers to develop strategies to reduce transit bus fleet emissions and in providing accurate emission factors for use in bus life cycle inventories and emission inventories. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd
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Appears in Collections:气候变化与战略

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作者单位: Department of Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering, North Carolina State University, Campus Box 7908, Raleigh, NC 27695-7908, United States

Recommended Citation:
Wei T.,Frey H.C.. Factors affecting variability in fossil-fueled transit bus emission rates[J]. Atmospheric Environment,2020-01-01,233
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