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Energy Transitions in Germany and the United States
承担单位: World Watch Institute
资助来源: World Watch Institute
国家: 美国
语种: 英语
英文摘要: While the broader goals are similar, European and U.S. approaches to electricity markets and policy have diverged, with an accompanying gulf in understanding and communication across the Atlantic. Despite its heterogeneity, the EU has managed to provide guidance for member state actions and has established ambitious, long-term, and mandatory targets for reducing carbon emissions and increasing efficiency and renewable energy. In the United States, various agendas have competed in the different branches of government and on different levels of decision making, and strategies have often changed in response to changing economic trends and political alignments. Yet despite the current boom in natural gas production (primarily unconventional shale gas), deployment of solar and wind energy has picked up momentum.
资源类型: 项目
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