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Indonesia Transport, Supply Chain & Logistics 2017
主办者: Reed Panorama Exhibitions
举办年: 2017
会议日期: 2017-10-7/2017-10-11
会议地点: Jakarta, Indonesia
国家: 印度尼西亚
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Earth Science ; Engineering ; Computer Science ; Social & Behavioral Science
英文关键词: Geophysics ; Environmental Science ; Civil Engineering ; Environmental Engineering ; Aerospace Engineering ; Engineering ; Process Engineering ; Hardware & Architecture ; Software Engineering ; Transportation ; Business and Management Science ; Economics and Finance ; Systems Engineering
英文简介: View Conference Proceedings Indonesia Transport, Supply Chain and Logistics (ITSCL) is the only dedicated transport and logistics event in Indonesia, with the aim of being a key partner of industry and the Indonesian government, showcasing the government’s aspirations of efficient infrastructure and helping it to achieve its objectives of the Blueprint of National Logistics System Development. ITCSL will bring government, international and domestic participants of the complete supply chain and industry all together in one place, helping to increase efficiency and reduce the cost of transport and logistics. Who Must Exhibits Freight Transport & Logistics Services Transport and multimodal services, Specialised Transport (tank & rail freight), Maritime transport & Air Cargo, International freight forwarding, Advanced logistics (reverse logistics, e-commerce logistics, etc), Pre and post manufacturing logistics services (order picking, contract manufacturing & packing), Storage (dangerous goods storage, fragile and high value added product storage), Express Delivery Services (parcels, etc), Supply chain management, Equipment and services linked to transport and logistics (transport units, federation, professional organisations) Logistics infrastructures Chamber of Commerce, International pavilions, Logistics platforms, National development agencies and authorities, Ports, airports Logistics and industrial properties Logistics Bonded Centre (PLB), Industrial property consulting, Investment and financing, Logistics facility construction, Promotion and/or development of industrial property Transport & logistics technologies and information systems Electronic data exchange (EDI), Freight exchange marketplace, GPS localisation, Identification / traceability, RFID, Identification, Services / consulting, Software programmers / publishers, Supply chain management *above lists not exhaustive Who Will You Meet? Top Level Management and Decision Maker from industrial companies, such as Automotive, Chemicals, Construction, Energy production and distribution, FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods), Freight Transport & Logistics Service, Food, Information and Communication, Oil & Mining, Other service Activities, Pharmaceutical, Public administration, Real estate, Retail, Textile, Trade and Distribution, Scientific and technical activities, Cold storage automation technology company, Processed food preservation refrigeration equipment company, Temperature control and thermal insulation technology and equipment, recorders, test equipment, humidification & dehumidification equipment, low-temperature instruments, Cold chain logistics technology (food, medicine, biochemistry, electronics, dangerous goods, etc), Engineers, Road traffic specialist, Wholesalers & Retailers, E-commerce *above lists not exhaustive
资源类型: 会议
Appears in Collections:过去全球变化的重建

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. Indonesia Transport, Supply Chain & Logistics 2017. 2017-01-01.
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