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Introduction to R
主办者: Transmitting Science
举办年: 2017
会议日期: 2017-5-23/
会议地点: Els Hostalets de Pierola, Spain
国家: 西班牙
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Chemistry ; Earth Science ; Life Science ; Computer Science
英文关键词: Analytical Chemistry ; Biochemistry ; Geology ; Geophysics ; Geochemistry ; Soil Science ; Limnology ; Meteorology ; Environmental Science ; Hydrology ; Atmospheric Science ; Biology ; Microbiology ; Molecular Biology ; Neuroscience ; Genetics ; Pathology ; Immunology ; Biochemistry ; Ecology ; Medicine ; Physiology ; Anatomy ; Zoology ; Botany ; Food Science ; Earth Science ; Life Science ; Oceanography ; Geography ; Toxicology ; Biotechnology ; Agriculture ; Climatology ; Biogeochemistry ; Biogeochemistry ; Pharmacology ; Algorithms ; Theory ; and Mathematics ; Epidemiology ; Planetary Science ; Chemical Biology ; Bioinformatics ; Applied Computing ; Knowledge Transfer ; Virology ; Vaccinology ; Remote Sensing / GIS ; Archaeology ; Cartography ; Forestry ; Regulatory ; Parasitology
英文简介: 1st Edition INTRODUCTION TO R May 22nd-26th, 2017, Barcelona (Spain) The aim of this course is to give an introduction to R addressed to people that has never used R. By the end of the course, the participants should be able to do the following in R: Import / export data-bases. Manage data sets. Carry out basic statistic analyses with R. Draw high quality graphs. Program specific functions. Guided practice with R – Students are encouraged to bring a dataset with them along with a “previously completed” statistical analysis or graphic. Ideally something fairly introductory and simple from the student’s own field of practice that you’ve worked with in Excel, SAS, or elsewhere. We will use last lesson session to review all the steps to ensure students can load, check, tidy data and then perform the basic statistics or generate the graphs common in their respective disciplines. This time also usually provides opportunity to troubleshoot and learn to navigate web resources to find solutions to errors. Extra datasets will be available for students that prefer not to bring their own work or who want extra practice at specific skills.
资源类型: 会议
Appears in Collections:过去全球变化的重建

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. Introduction to R. 2017-01-01.
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