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DOI: 10.7249/RR871
报告号: RR-871-DHURDGP
Quality of Life Indicators and Policy Strategies to Advance Sustainability in the Pearl River Delta
作者: Debra Knopman; Johanna Zmud; Liisa Ecola; Zhimin Mao; Keith Crane
出版者: RAND Corporation
出版年: 2015
发表日期: 2015
总页数: 250
国家: 美国
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Residential Housing ; Economic Development ; China ; Environmental Quality ; Environmental Regulation ; Transportation Planning ; Urban Planning ; Students
中文主题词: 交通设施 ; 可持续性
英文摘要: This report proposes a set of land use and transportation goals and strategies and an accompanying system of indicators to characterize and monitor quality of life in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) of Guangdong Province in the People's Republic of China. Goals, strategies, and indicators are also developed in less detail for the environment, housing, and economic development policy areas. The purpose of the indicator system is to provide an analytical foundation for guiding policy choices that strike a balance between meeting residents' needs and at the same time attracting new employers and employees to the region. The indicator system is designed to be flexible enough to work at the provincial, municipal, and district/county levels of government. Indicators are placed within a decision framework that first defines regional challenges, policy goals to meet those challenges, and strategies to address policy goals. The report identifies 12 challenges and proposes 21 goals and 53 strategies to address the challenges, as well as a set of 85 indicators to monitor progress. The authors prioritize strategies based on their likely impact on progress toward goals, degree of difficulty, and time required to put the strategy in place.
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资源类型: 研究报告
Appears in Collections:影响、适应和脆弱性

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Debra Knopman,Johanna Zmud,Liisa Ecola,et al. Quality of Life Indicators and Policy Strategies to Advance Sustainability in the Pearl River Delta. 2015-01-01.
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