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DOI: 10.2172/1021553
报告号: LLNL-SR-473494
Literature Review on the Effects of Prescription Fire on theEcology of Site 300
作者: Harto, C. B.; Veil, J. A. (Environmental Science Division)
出版年: 2011
发表日期: 2011-03-14
总页数: 33
国家: 美国
语种: 英语
中文主题词: 草原
英文摘要: Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory has historically conducted prescription burns across approximately 2,000 acres of Site 300 on an annual basis to safeguard test facilities and operations from the risk of wildfire encroachment. Prescription burns began in 1960, and although fire frequency varies among the designated burn areas, all have been burned at least once. A patchwork of native perennial grassland communities and associated special-status plant and animal populations occur onsite in many areas that have been receiving these treatments. Because the size and locations of prescription burns may shift in coming years, an evaluation is warranted to determine how these shifts may affect listed biota, including rare plants, and the distinct ecological conditions present on the site. This report presents the results of a literature review conducted by ICF International (ICF) to collect basic information on native perennial grasslands in California, the influence of fire on these grasslands, and management tools for restoring and maintaining them. The objective of this study was to review the scientific literature on California native grasslands and summarize the current state of knowledge pertaining to the possible effects -- both beneficial and detrimental -- of prescribed fire on the ecology of Site 300. The results of this review are intended to inform future management practices that may be carried out at Site 300 to maintain the plant and wildlife communities and to ensure that the ecological conditions benefit the special-status species that inhabit the Site. This review is also intended to identify a study approach to investigate changes over the next 10 years in the burned areas and in areas where burning will be discontinued.
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资源类型: 研究报告
Appears in Collections:过去全球变化的重建

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Harto, C. B.,Veil, J. A. . Literature Review on the Effects of Prescription Fire on theEcology of Site 300. 2011-01-01.
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