globalchange  > 气候变化事实与影响
DOI: doi:10.1038/nclimate2831
Reduced streamflow in water-stressed climates consistent with CO2 effects on vegetation
作者: Anna M. Ukkola
刊名: Nature Climate Change
ISSN: 1758-733X
EISSN: 1758-6853
出版年: 2015-10-19
卷: Volume:6, 页码:Pages:75;78 (2016)
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Hydrology ; Ecology

Global environmental change has implications for the spatial and temporal distribution of water resources, but quantifying its effects remains a challenge. The impact of vegetation responses to increasing atmospheric CO2 concentrations on the hydrologic cycle is particularly poorly constrained1, 2, 3. Here we combine remotely sensed normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data and long-term water-balance evapotranspiration (ET) measurements from 190 unimpaired river basins across Australia during 1982–2010 to show that the precipitation threshold for water limitation of vegetation cover has significantly declined during the past three decades, whereas sub-humid and semi-arid basins are not only ‘greening but also consuming more water, leading to significant (24–28%) reductions in streamflow. In contrast, wet and arid basins show nonsignificant changes in NDVI and reductions in ET. These observations are consistent with expected effects of elevated CO2 on vegetation. They suggest that projected future decreases in precipitation4 are likely to be compounded by increased vegetation water use, further reducing streamflow in water-stressed regions.

Experiments have shown that elevated atmospheric CO2 affects vegetation productivity and water use5. CO2 is the substrate for photosynthesis, and concentrations above current ambient levels stimulate carbon assimilation by plants. This CO2 fertilization effect should in principle lead to increased biomass and green vegetation cover (‘greening). Simultaneously, increasing CO2 lowers stomatal conductance, reducing water loss through leaves. Reduced stomatal conductance and/or stimulated photosynthesis lead to enhanced water-use efficiency, the amount of water required to produce a unit of biomass. The effect of CO2 on vegetation is commonly expected to manifest most strongly in water-limited environments6, 7, where moisture is the main limitation on plant growth. However, not all studies show a strong link between aridity and the strength of the CO2 effect8, and the magnitude of associated greening and water savings are generally not well constrained across species and ecosystems9, 10, 11.

CO2-induced structural and physiological changes in vegetation potentially have consequences for water resources. CO2 fertilization and associated greening tends to increase vegetation water consumption by increasing the amount of transpiring leaf area, whereas reduced stomatal conductance tends to decrease transpiration per unit leaf area—two effects with opposing consequences for streamflow2. Furthermore, increased vegetation cover can change the partitioning of rainfall into rainfall interception, infiltration and runoff, while shading by increased foliage cover may lead to reductions in soil evaporation by decreasing the amount of radiation reaching the ground surface12. It remains unresolved whether these various processes in combination have led to a detectable imprint in ET or streamflow. At the global scale, both decreases and increases in ET due to CO2 have been reported1, 2 and the results seem to be data- and model-dependent3. The direction and magnitude of the CO2 effect on ET and streamflow thus remains poorly understood at catchment and regional scales. This situation is compounded by difficulties in estimating ET at large scales13, 14.

We investigated the correlates and potential causes of long-term changes in vegetation across Australia using remotely sensed NDVI. NDVI has been found to relate to primary productivity15, foliage cover16 and biomass17 and has been widely employed to quantify vegetation trends6, 18, 19 and processes20. We also examined long-term changes in ET and streamflow in unregulated, unimpaired Australian river basins in climates of varying aridity. ET was assessed by the water-balance method, which relies directly on observations of precipitation and streamflow.

We first investigated the spatial distribution of long-term changes in NDVI across Australia. Large areas of Australia have undergone greening during 1982–2010 (Fig. 1a); precipitation explained about 50% of these trends (calculated as the coefficient of determination from a linear regression of NDVI and precipitation trends). Strong greening was observed, particularly in water-limited areas (marked by positive NDVI–precipitation correlation; Fig. 1b), where 65% of significant (P ≤ 0.5) NDVI trends were positive (excluding areas of significant precipitation increase).

Figure 1: Spatial patterns of vegetation greening.
Spatial patterns of vegetation greening.

a, Pixel-by-pixel linear trends in annual NDVI. b, Areas of water-limited vegetation, determined as pixels with significant (P ≤ 0.10) positive annual NDVI–precipitation correlations. Nonsignificant or negative correlations were masked out from b. Farmlands, irrigated areas and wetlands have been masked out from both panels.

Core data sets.

Normalized difference vegetation index. We obtained a time series of third-generation NDVI (NDVI3g) from the Global Inventory Modelling and Mapping Studies (GIMMS; ref. 24). This data set is gridded at 0.083° spatial resolution and was averaged from biweekly to annual time steps. The annual average for a given grid cell was determined only if >80% of biweekly values were available and was set to missing otherwise. Similarly, pixel trends were calculated only for pixels with annual time series >80% complete. Basin-specific NDVI values were obtained by averaging gridded data over basin areas.

Climatic variables. Monthly climatic fields (precipitation, minimum and maximum air temperature and shortwave radiation) were obtained from the ANUCLIM archive25. The Australia-wide data are gridded at 0.05° spatial resolution and were produced by the ANUSPLIN software package25, 26 from meteorological station data using a thin-plate smoothing spline.

An annual time series of atmospheric CO2 concentrations was obtained from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Earth System Research Laboratory (NOAA ESRL; The data report the mean annual CO2 concentration measured at Mauna Loa observatory in parts per million. We ignored latitudinal differences in CO2 concentration as these are small compared to the signal of interest.

Potential evapotranspiration (PET) was calculated using the Priestley–Taylor method as in ref. 27, using inputs of shortwave radiation and the mean of minimum and maximum air temperature from the ANUCLIM archive. The Priestley–Taylor method has been shown to be appropriate for estimating large-scale PET (refs 28,29) and has been adopted in other basin-scale studies14, 30, 31.

Water-balance evapotranspiration. Water-balance evapotranspiration was calculated as the difference of observed annual precipitation and streamflow integrated over the river basin area. The water-balance method remains the most firmly observationally based estimator of ET, but assumes negligible changes in soil water storage at annual to decadal timescales (see Supplementary Section 1 for further discussion). Streamflow time series were acquired from a streamflow collation for unregulated catchments across Australia32. Gaps in the water-balance ET time series (accounting for <5% of monthly records) were filled using simulations from the Australian Water Availability Project33, further detailed in Supplementary Section 1.

Study basins. The 190 study basins were chosen based on the completeness of streamflow records (>95%) and the extent of irrigated and farmed land (<5% of basin area). The basins were classified into wet, sub-humid, semi-arid and arid using the climatological aridity index A (A = PET/P, where PET = annual mean potential ET and P = annual mean precipitation) (see Supplementary Fig. 1 for basin locations and aridity classification). River basins with mean annual aridity index <1 were classified as wet, 1–2 as sub-humid, 2–5 as semi-arid and >5 as arid (adapted from UNEP (1997)34). See Supplementary Section 1 for further details on basin selection and classification criteria.

Breakpoint regression.

Five-year running mean NDVI values were binned according to their corresponding precipitation values. Following ref. 6, the 95th percentile value was determined for each 20-mm-wide precipitation bin separately for each running mean. Breakpoint regression was applied to the 95th percentile values to calculate the first regression slope marking the maximum NDVI attainable for a given precipitation and the breakpoint where the vegetation–precipitation relationship plateaus and vegetation ceases to be water-limited. We then constructed time series of the slopes and breakpoints (Fig. 3) and determined linear trends for both variables. As running means were used to construct the time series, degrees of freedom were adjusted when determining the significance of trends. Farmlands, irrigated areas and wetlands were excluded from this analysis using the Dynamic Land Cover Dataset of Australia35 (see Supplementary Section 1).

CO2 sensitivity coefficients.

Estimation of observed CO2 coefficients. Dimensionless CO2 sensitivity coefficients were calculated from NDVI and ET corrected for precipitation and PET (a function of temperature and shortwave radiation). Precipitation and PET present the main climatic constraints on plant growth36 and are the two first-order controls on ET (ref. 37). The effects of precipitation and PET were removed using linear regression: separately for each basin, annual ET (E) and NDVI were regressed against precipitation and PET and the annual corrected values were calculated as the sum of the regression residual and the 1982–2010 mean of the variable. The corrected annual variables were then log-transformed and regressed against log-transformed annual CO2 concentrations (Ca) to derive the CO2 sensitivity coefficients σET = lnE/lnCa and σNDV I = lnNDV I/lnCa. The sensitivity coefficients represent the fractional change in the relevant variable per unit fractional change in CO2, so that a change in ET (mm) due to CO2 is well approximated by ΔE/EσE. ΔCa/Ca for ΔE less double E and ΔCa less double Ca (as in this study). ET and NDVI sensitivities to precipitation were calculated from uncorrected data using the same principles (further detailed in Supplementary Section 2).

Prediction of theoretical ET sensitivity to CO2. The theoretical sensitivity of ET (E) to CO2 concentration (Ca) for C3 photosynthesis on a unit leaf area basis can be calculated by writing the CO2 assimilation rate (A) and E in the form of diffusion equations:


where gs is the stomatal conductance to CO2, χ is the ratio of internal CO2 concentration (Ci) to Ca, and D is the vapour pressure deficit. χ is a function of D and leaf temperature38, 39 and typically takes values from 0.4–0.5 in arid climates to 0.8–0.9 in wet climates. Substitution of gs from equation (1) into equation (2) yields

Differentiating with respect to Ca, holding D and χ constant, gives:

where σA is the sensitivity of A to Ca:

Equation (4) implies that the sensitivity of E to Ca approaches −1 as the CO2 fertilization effect on A saturates. However, so long as A is increasing with Ca, the sensitivity is smaller in magnitude than −1. The sensitivity of A to Ca can be calculated conservatively by invoking the coordination hypothesis (approximate equality of the carboxylation- and electron transport-limited rates of photosynthesis under field conditions: see, for example, ref. 40). With the further assumption that limitation by the maximum rate of electron transport (Jmax) is not relevant in the field (because Rubisco limitation takes over at the highest light levels), we can express the assimilation rate as

where φ0 is the intrinsic quantum efficiency of C3 photosynthesis, Iabs is the absorbed photosynthetic photon flux density and Γ is the photorespiratory compensation point. Differentiating A with respect to Ca, holding χ constant, gives:

Evaluating equation (7) and then (4) at 25°C, Ca = 370ppm for illustration gives σE = −0.61 for χ = 0.8 and −0.38 for χ = 0.5.

  1. Gedney, N. et al. Detection of a direct carbon dioxide effect in continental river runoff records. Nature 439, 835838 (2006).
  2. Piao, S. et al. Changes in climate and land use have a larger direct impact than rising CO2 on global river runoff trends. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 104, 1524215247 (2007).
  3. Alkama, R., Decharme, B., Douville, H. & Ribes, A. Trends in global and basin-scale runoff over the late twentieth century: Methodological issues and sources of uncertainty. J. Clim. 24, 30003014 (2011).
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Recommended Citation:
Anna M. Ukkola. Reduced streamflow in water-stressed climates consistent with CO2 effects on vegetation[J]. Nature Climate Change,2015-10-19,Volume:6:Pages:75;78 (2016).
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