globalchange  > 气候变化事实与影响
DOI: doi:10.1038/nclimate2754
Adapting to climate change in the mixed crop and livestock farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa
作者: Philip K. Thornton
刊名: Nature Climate Change
ISSN: 1758-786X
EISSN: 1758-6906
出版年: 2015-08-21
卷: Volume:5, 页码:Pages:830;836 (2015)
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Agroecology ; Ecological modelling

Mixed crop–livestock systems are the backbone of African agriculture, providing food security and livelihood options for hundreds of millions of people. Much is known about the impacts of climate change on the crop enterprises in the mixed systems, and some, although less, on the livestock enterprises. The interactions between crops and livestock can be managed to contribute to environmentally sustainable intensification, diversification and risk management. There is relatively little information on how these interactions may be affected by changes in climate and climate variability. This is a serious gap, because these interactions may offer some buffering capacity to help smallholders adapt to climate change.

Mixed crop–livestock systems, in which crops and livestock are raised on the same farm, occur very widely in the tropics. In sub-Saharan Africa, the vast majority of the mixed systems are rain-fed, and cover large areas of the arid–semi-arid and humid–subhumid zones from Senegal in the west to Ethiopia in the east, and down the eastern side of the continent to South Africa (Fig. 1a). The mixed systems also extend to the tropical highlands of East Africa and southern Africa1, 2, where agro-ecology also permits a higher level of crop diversity (Fig. 1b). In well-integrated systems, livestock provide draft power to cultivate the land and manure to fertilize the soil, and crop residues are a key feed resource for livestock. Such mixed farming systems form the backbone of African agriculture and provide most of the staples consumed by many millions of poor people in Africa: between 41 and 86% of the maize, rice, sorghum and millet, and 90% of the milk and 80% of the meat3, 4. These systems are critical for future food security too; population to the end of the century in Africa is projected to quadruple, and this growth will occur not only in urban areas but also in the rural-based mixed systems, where more than 60% of people already live3. At the same time, the mixed systems could play a critical role in mitigating greenhouse gases from the agriculture, forestry and land-use sectors. Mixed crop–livestock systems in Africa are a critical source of protein (Fig. 1c) but are also a considerable source of greenhouse-gas emissions, accounting for 63% of the emissions from ruminants4. Nevertheless, the emissions intensities (the amounts of greenhouse gases emitted in kg of CO2-equivalents (CO2e) per kilogram of product) of the mixed systems are 24–37% lower than those of grazing systems in Africa4, mostly because of the higher-quality diets of ruminants in the former compared with the latter systems. At the same time, these systems provide 15% of the nitrogen inputs for crop production via manure amendments5.

Figure 1: Mixed crop–livestock farming in Africa.
Mixed crop-livestock farming in Africa.

a, Types of mixed crop–livestock farming systems in Africa: MRA, mixed rainfed arid–semi-arid; MRH, mixed rainfed humid–subhumid; MRT, mixed rainfed tropical highland; MI, mixed irrigated. The classification is from ref. 1 as mapped in ref. 2. b, Crop diversity in the mixed crop–livestock farming systems in Africa, measured as the number of crops (out of 14) in each pixel in the Spatial Production Allocation Model (SPAM) data set in ref. 67. Data are for the year 2000, and include 14 food crops or crop groups: banana and plantain, barley, beans, cassava, groundnut, maize, millet, other pulses (such as chickpeas, cowpeas, pigeon peas and lentils), potato, rice, sorghum, soybean, sweet potato and yam, and wheat. c, Protein supply from all livestock sources per person per day (g per person per day) in the mixed systems. Livestock data from ref. 4: production of bovine milk, bovine meat, sheep and goat milk, sheep and goat meat, pork, poultry and eggs, for the year 2000. Protein availability per person per day from edible animal products, including milk and meat from ruminant species (bovines, sheep and goats) and meat and eggs from monogastric species (pigs and poultry), from data in ref. 4, with human population data from ref. 68. d, Field size in the mixed systems; data from ref. 16.

Mixed crop–livestock systems can be characterized as “farming systems that to some degree integrate crop and livestock production activities so as to gain benefits from the resulting crop–livestock interactions”6. The justification for integrating crop and livestock activities is that crop (livestock) production can produce resources that can be used to benefit livestock (crop) production, leading to greater farm efficiency, productivity or sustainability6. These resources may be in the form of feed biomass (such as crop residues), manure, power and cash. “Crop–livestock interactions are thus the manifestation of exchange, with the agro-ecological and economic contexts, combined with producers' personal and socioeconomic circumstances, determining the motivation for, form and extent of such exchange”6.

Crop–livestock integration can then be viewed in four dimensions; space, time, ownership and management (Table 1). In space, crop and livestock activities may be physically close to one another or co-located in a plot or field. In an African context, the degree of integration will usually decrease as area increases because of the constraints of movement of manure, crop residues or livestock, and be highest at the plot or field level. In time, crop and livestock activities may occur simultaneously and be highly integrated, or in sequence or otherwise separated in time, although storage and transport of resources can again increase the level of integration in time as well as in space. The ownership dimension describes the degree to which access to, and control of, the assets used in multiple enterprises are concentrated in the same hands; integration may arise through renting, borrowing and other exchange relationships. The management dimension relates to the fact that management of crop and livestock enterprises may not be in the hands of the same individual or group. Integration along the management dimension, with or without ownership integration, may create additional opportunities for beneficial crop–livestock interaction or allow these interactions to be more efficient6. This framework has been simplified for commercial Australian conditions7, but in its general form it provides a useful way in which to think about crop–livestock interactions, how they may be affected by climate change, and how modification may contribute to adaptation through such aspects as livestock mobility and provision of alternative feed resources.

Table 1: Importance of four dimensions of integration for various types of crop–livestock interaction.

Considerable research has been undertaken over the past 50 years on farming systems in Africa. Indeed, 'farming systems research' was invented as a diagnostic process for understanding African (and Latin American) farming households and their decision-making17. Despite its rich history, a systems perspective has been largely absent in recent regional and global assessments of agriculture18. The Fifth Assessment Report of the IPCC, for example, is heavily oriented towards crops, with separate pieces on livestock, aquatic systems and forestry. Of course, assessments can only assess what has been published: the paucity of information on systems impacts is a reflection of the amount of quantitative work that has been done and that can be harvested for inclusion in such assessments. There may be good reasons for the lack of information at the systems level, including the difficulty of modelling crop and livestock impacts at appropriate spatial and temporal scales, and the vastly different contexts within which smallholders operate and make decisions, not only biophysically but socioeconomically and culturally. Nevertheless, this is a serious knowledge gap, as we attempt to demonstrate below.

The synergies between cropping and livestock husbandry offer various opportunities for raising productivity and increasing efficiency of resource use, thereby increasing household incomes and securing availability and access to food. These are summarized19 in the context of West African mixed farming systems, relating to the interactions in Table 1: crop residues, manure, power and financial resources. Of a wide range of benefits, local integration of cropping with livestock systems can reduce resource depletion and environmental fluxes to the atmosphere and hydrosphere, offer more diversified landscapes that favour biodiversity, and increase system flexibility to cope with socio-economic and climate variability20.

Although there are several benefits to mixed farming systems, there may also be disadvantages in some situations, including constraints to increased crop–livestock integration, one of which is that these systems can be complex to operate and manage21, 22. The positives and negatives of mixed crop–livestock systems are summarized in Table 2. Many of the factors shown may be positive in one context and negative in another, and even in the same context there may be positive and negative elements in relation to the farming system. This highlights the complexity of mixed systems and the difficulties associated with making broad statements about what works and what does not: local context and the perceptions and objectives of individual farmers may change everything.

Table 2: Positives and negatives of mixed crop–livestock systems.

In Africa, the mixed crop–livestock farming systems and the people who live in them will be particularly challenged in the coming decades by climate change, through increasing temperatures, changes in the start and length of growing seasons, and increasing climate variability. In places they will also face considerable and increasing labour and land constraints. There is enormous diversity in the mixed systems, in relation to their current characteristics and the climate challenges posed (Figs 1 and 3). To target bundles of adaptation options that are locally appropriate but amenable to large-scale investment and scaling up, evaluation of options at the farm scale are needed. To do this effectively, several things need to be in place so that adaptation alternatives can be appropriately assessed in these integrated systems.

Appropriate biophysical models. We need appropriate biophysical models that can represent the interactions between crops and livestock adequately, so that evaluations of the mixed systems are more robust. In contrast to earlier thinking on the topic (including our own), we are not confident that increasing the complexity of already complex crop and livestock models through strong integration is an appropriate approach; rather, we should be looking for weak integration between robust and well-tested models. In particular, the spatial and temporal dimensions needed provide considerable challenges. Most modelling work has been done on the primary cereals (particularly maize, rice and wheat) and legumes (groundnut, soybean), but more often than not, adaptation will be about adding lesser-known or alternative crops into existing cropping patterns. Models for such crops need to be developed together with models for other important smallholder crops, including perennial crops55.

Appropriate whole-farm models. We need appropriate whole-farm models, because we need to track flows of cash and the interactions of financial and physical resources in the farm household system. There is widespread appreciation of the need for approaches that combine simulation modelling with deliberative processes involving decision-makers and other stakeholders56. Trade-offs between the benefits and costs to a range of stakeholders are inevitable, and these need to be quantified. There is also growing appreciation of the need to combine bottom-up, qualitative social research with farmers and communities, and top-down, quantitative biophysical modelling, to gain more in-depth understanding of farming systems and their potential to adapt to a changing climate57. Whole-farm modelling at the level of the farming system in African conditions is constrained by a serious lack of systems data, even on such basic variables such as cropland area, livestock numbers, breeds, crop varieties and management information such as planting dates and fertilizer use. Crowd sourcing, mobile telephony and 'citizen science'58, 59 offer intriguing prospects for data collection and monitoring at massive scale to help rectify this situation. Other essential extensions to the household modelling work include lifecycle analyses and value-chain modelling. As the agenda necessarily develops from a focus on agriculture and food security to the whole food system, the roles of different actors in the value chain, all with their climate change impacts, adaptation and mitigation needs, will need to be considered explicitly in order to develop robust adaptation and mitigation plans for food systems. The explicit inclusion of human nutrition with its appropriate metrics, as a key link between human welfare, farm diversity and land use and environmental performance, is also essential. These areas of work are still in their infancy.

Appropriate scenarios of the future. The future of smallholder mixed systems in Africa is highly uncertain. One view is that smallholder systems in general must intensify production in a sustainable way60 and remain a kingpin of food production; another view is that they will become largely redundant as smallholdings are aggregated into much more intensive and specialized systems, following the evolutionary process illustrated in Fig. 2. The Boserupian model, arguing that population changes will largely drive changes in agricultural systems, has been heavily criticized on various grounds61. Many different processes are possible, and as noted above, probably multiple processes will occur simultaneously in different parts of the continent, driven by regional and local factors and contexts. Participatory regional, national or local socio-economic scenarios, which may or may not be linked with appropriate future climate scenarios, are a highly effective tool for exploring future uncertainties and decision spaces with stakeholders, as well as providing a platform for using the outputs from such work12, 62. The formulation of national visions of how these systems might evolve, supported by relevant policy documents on adaptation actions, may be heavily influenced by the outcomes from such processes, and the adaptation agenda could be advanced significantly thereby.

Appropriate measures of adaptation success. What will adaptation success actually look like in the mixed farming systems of sub-Saharan Africa? Vulnerability and adaptive capacity cannot be directly observed, hence the dependence on sets of indicators63. Many have been proposed, although a recent systematic review64 concludes that it is not possible to identify empirically supported patterns of climate vulnerability determinants in the literature. Instead, an approach is proposed that tracks vulnerability and adaptive capacity using a set of indicators that combine objective asset or poverty measures at the household level with more subjective governance and policy factors at the community and national levels64. There is ongoing activity in defining appropriate metrics for climate-smart agriculture65, 66. Indicators are very much needed, not least to be able to identify when farming system adaptation is not enough and much more transformational approaches are needed. Such information is critical when looking into the future to try to guide adaptation planning and investment.

The full adaptation potential of African smallholder mixed farming systems is not yet known, although from a technical standpoint, there is likely to be considerable scope for modifying these systems to improve the livelihoods of smallholder farmers, even in the face of climate change. Given the enormous population-fuelled pressures on land and natural resources that will be building up in the coming decades, this is a critical knowledge gap that deserves serious attention. There are considerable uncertainties concerning appropriate economic development pathways and consumption patterns for most of the agriculturally dependent countries of sub-Saharan Africa; but identifying those that balance national policy objectives with enhanced livelihoods and food security could be enormously beneficial for the hundreds of millions of people living in urban and rural settings. We need to improve our understanding of how African farming systems may change and adapt in response to global change, and how policy and governance frameworks can most effectively provide the enabling environment required.

  1. Seré, C. & Steinfeld, H. World Livestock Production Systems: Current Status, Issues and Trends (FAO, 1996).
  2. Robinson, T. P. et al. Global Livestock Production Systems. (FAO/ILRI, 2011).
  3. Herrero, M. et al. Smart investments in sustainable food production: Revisiting mixed crop–livestock systems. Science 327, 822825 (2010).
  4. Herrero, M. et al. Global livestock systems: Biomass use, production, feed efficiencies and greenhouse gas emissions. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 110, 2088820893 (2013).
  5. Liu, J. et al. A high-resolution assessment on global nitrogen flows in cropland. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 107, 80358040
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Philip K. Thornton. Adapting to climate change in the mixed crop and livestock farming systems in sub-Saharan Africa[J]. Nature Climate Change,2015-08-21,Volume:5:Pages:830;836 (2015).
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