globalchange  > 气候变化事实与影响
DOI: doi:10.1038/nclimate2647
Recent warming leads to a rapid borealization of fish communities in the Arctic
作者: Maria Fossheim
刊名: Nature Climate Change
ISSN: 1758-917X
EISSN: 1758-7037
出版年: 2015-05-18
卷: Volume:5, 页码:Pages:673;677 (2015)
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Biogeography

Arctic marine ecosystems are warming twice as fast as the global average1. As a consequence of warming, many incoming species experience increasing abundances and expanding distribution ranges in the Arctic2. The Arctic is expected to have the largest species turnover with regard to invading and locally extinct species, with a modelled invasion intensity of five times the global average3. Studies in this region might therefore give valuable insights into community-wide shifts of species driven by climate warming. We found that the recent warming in the Barents Sea4 has led to a change in spatial distribution of fish communities, with boreal communities expanding northwards at a pace reflecting the local climate velocities5. Increased abundance and distribution areas of large, migratory fish predators explain the observed community-wide distributional shifts. These shifts change the ecological interactions experienced by Arctic fish species. The Arctic shelf fish community retracted northwards to deeper areas bordering the deep polar basin. Depth might limit further retraction of some of the fish species in the Arctic shelf community. We conclude that climate warming is inducing structural change over large spatial scales at high latitudes, leading to a borealization of fish communities in the Arctic.

Marine ectotherms are found to fully occupy their latitudinal ranges with regard to thermal tolerance, and are therefore predicted to expand at their poleward range boundaries and contract at equatorward boundaries under climate warming6. Poleward shifts in distributions of marine species have been extensively documented2, 7, particularly in fish8, 9. Marine taxa track local climate velocities5—thus areas with above global average increases in temperatures should show pronounced shifts in species and assemblages. Marine fish without limits to dispersion typically respond to warming via abundance changes10, and depth and geographic shifts9, 11, 12. However, species differ with regard to sensitivity to climate warming (for example, thermal tolerance), dispersal capacity (for example, migratory versus non-migratory) and ability to exploit new resources (generalists versus specialists), thereby exhibiting different rates and magnitudes of responses in abundance and distribution1, 5. Species originally inhabiting an area might be displaced by incoming species. This might ultimately lead to local extinctions. Community-wide changes on large spatial scales are therefore expected in marine fish3. These changes are anticipated at high latitudes due to rapid increases in temperature and the expected strong impact of sea-ice retreat on polar ecosystems1, 13.

The Barents Sea, a shelf sea bordering the Arctic Ocean (Supplementary Fig. 1), with a hydrographical frontal zone coinciding with a zoogeographical divide, provides ideal conditions to study community-wide geographic shifts induced by climate warming. In the past decade, water temperatures in the subarctic Barents Sea have been the warmest on record4, and the sea ice has retreated14. The polar frontal zone where Atlantic and Arctic water masses meet also separates boreal from Arctic fish species, which differ with regard to thermal affinities15. In recent years this frontal zone has ceased being a strong biogeographic border for boreal fish species. We thus investigated whether the current rapid local climate velocity is reflected in poleward shifts of fish communities. Further, we addressed whether generalist, migratory boreal fish species were responsible for the observed shifts, as expected on the basis of their higher dispersal ability and dietary flexibility.

Since 2004 we surveyed the Barents Sea (approximately 65 km between stations) annually with regard to bottom hydrography and demersal fish species in late summer (minimal ice coverage). In the period 2004–2012, bottom temperatures in the Barents Sea increased and the mixed-water area expanded (Fig. 1a, b and Supplementary Fig. 4). For the study period, the start and end year also represent the extremes of lowest water temperature and most ice (2004), and warmest water temperature and least ice (2012; Supplementary Fig. 3). The observed hydrographic changes were caused by an increased inflow of warmer Atlantic water16, leading to a strong reduction of sea ice14. Concurrent with these climate-induced changes, many fish species changed their ranges, and expanded their distributions northwards and eastwards. To reduce the effect of inter-annual variation in single species, we focused on the community level by identifying well-defined fish communities based on species abundance profiles (Supplementary Fig. 5). Since 2004 the transition areas between the Atlantic and Central communities and the Central and Arctic fish communities moved northwards and eastwards (Fig. 1c, d and Supplementary Fig. 7). Whereas the Atlantic community was identified on stations steadily further north through time, the Arctic community was identified on ever fewer stations. The southern boundary of the Arctic community gradually moved north, towards the shelf edge and northern margin of the surveyed area (Fig. 1c, d and Supplementary Fig. 7).

Figure 1: Environmental conditions and fish communities in the Barents Sea.
Environmental conditions and fish communities in the Barents Sea.

a,b, Water masses and ice presence in 2004 (a) and 2012 (b): Atlantic Water (red, T > 2°C), Arctic Water (blue, T < 0°C) and mixed-water masses (yellow, 0 °C < T < 2°C). Ice-presence isolines are given in number of days with ice present during the year: 120 days, bold line and 180 days, fine line. c,d, Fish communities identified on bottom trawl stations in 2004 (c) and 2012 (d). Atlantic, Arctic and Central communities: red, blue and yellow symbols, respectively. Circles: shallow sub-communities, triangles: deep sub-communities. Maps for all years in Supplementary Figs 4 and 7 (Supplementary Methods).

The Barents Sea is a shelf break sea (1.6 mill. km2, average depth: 230 m), located north of Norway and Russia (Supplementary Fig. 1). Since 2004, a joint ecosystem survey with Norwegian and Russian research vessels has covered the Barents Sea in summer–early autumn, during minimum ice coverage. Stations were allocated on a standardized grid (35 nautical miles between stations). At each station a demersal trawl (Campelen 1800) was towed for 15 min at 3 knots (0.75 nautical miles ~1,400 m). The catch was sorted (identified to lowest possible taxonomic level), counted and weighed. Environmental information was sampled with a conductivity–temperature–depth (CTD) profiler at most stations. Sea-ice data were obtained from SSM/I passive microwave remote sensing from the National Snow and Ice Data Center31 ( Ice presence was calculated as number of days with ice present during each year.

The annual cycle of temperature along the Kola section and the sea-ice coverage in the Barents Sea are shown in Supplementary Fig. 2. The Kola section, 0–200 m depth layer, represents a proxy for the temperature development of the Barents Sea (Supplementary Fig. 2a), and the first decade of the 21st century was the warmest ever recorded32 (since the start of the survey in 1900). The duration of the ice-free season increased through the study period (Supplementary Fig. 2b). The timing of the survey was consistent through the study period 2004–2012, with only a weeks delay in later years (and an expanded survey period in 2010).

To calculate yearly averages in Barents Sea bottom-water temperature, and relative areas covered by different water masses (Atlantic Water, T < 2°C; mixed-water masses, 0 °C < T < 2°C; Arctic Water, T < 0°C) and sea ice, the environmental data were first spatially interpolated on a regular grid (grid size, 50 × 50 km) by Kriging33, and the yearly estimates (Supplementary Fig. 3) were based on the gridded data to avoid sampling bias and facilitate between year comparisons.

More than 220 fish species are known to occur in the Barents Sea, and approximately 100 fish species are regularly caught on the ecosystem surveys. However, owing to a changing taxonomic identification protocol, several species were merged on a higher taxonomic level. A further species reduction due to very low occurrence (one station only) and removal of pelagic species left us with 74 taxonomic groups identified similarly throughout the study period (Supplementary Table 1). The catches in the survey trawl were standardized to a given tow distance (1 nautical mile). From 2004 to 2012 the ecosystem surveys sampled 4,463 bottom trawl stations—of these 3,940 were included in our analyses. Stations were removed because they were repeated successively (572—for example, diurnal stations), were of low quality (96—for example, trawl hauls mostly containing mud), had tow time less than 10 min (64—unrepresentative sampling) or more than 60 min (11—various test stations), or were sampled on unrepresentative depths (54 less than 50 m and 287 more than 500 m). Following the removal of pelagic species, some stations were left empty or with an occurrence of only one species (monostations). These 11 stations were removed, leaving 3,940 stations for our analyses.

To classify the different fish communities in the Barents Sea in 2004 (start of ecosystem survey), we performed a cluster analysis (based on Bray–Curtis dissimilarities and Ward linkage). Visual inspection of the dendrogram revealed three well-separated clusters (that is, fish communities), as shown by the large interval of Bray–Curtis dissimilarity between the splits into two, three and four clusters34 (Supplementary Fig. 6a), and by the clear separation of the clusters when plotted onto an ordination diagram35. The species abundance profile of each fish community was calculated by averaging individual species abundances across stations classified to that community in 2004 (Supplementary Fig. 5). The different stations were mapped with colour coding denoting cluster affiliation (Supplementary Fig. 6b). The Barents Sea open waters clearly comprise three distinct fish communities (here called Atlantic, Central and Arctic), with a spatial pattern suggesting that community structure is influenced by water masses and habitat characteristics (Supplementary Fig. 4).

The Atlantic community comprises two different sub-communities (shallow Atlantic and deep Atlantic) that are related to different depth habitats. In the figures, the two Atlantic sub-communities are identified by using different symbols (Figs 1c, d and 2 and Supplementary Figs 7,11 and 12) or colours (Supplementary Figs 5,6,8 and 10), and are treated separately when assessing distributional shifts and changes in areal coverage because of the expected differences in response to climate warming of deep versus shallow fish communities. A discriminant analysis was applied to reveal which species contribute most to the separation of the clusters (Supplementary Fig. 6c), and the resulting discriminant functions were used to classify fish communities sampled over the study period. The similarities of the two maps show the predictive capability of the discriminant function (Supplementary Fig. 6b, d). Mapping the classified stations in the Barents Sea allowed us to track changes in distribution of the Atlantic, Central and Arctic communities (Fig. 1c, d and Supplementary Fig. 7).

Estimates of areal coverage and position of community distributions are biased by sampling effort and distribution, which vary between years. To overcome sampling bias we gridded the data (Supplementary Fig. 8). The grid size was 50 × 50 km (~27 nautical miles), ensuring approximately one station per grid cell. The grid cells were then classified according to the community affiliations of the stations found in the cells. Cells missing stations were assigned the community from the closest nearby station (Supplementary Fig. 8). This approach yields a conservative assignment when stations are missing in the margin of the surveyed area. To investigate possible changes in community distribution through time with regard to position (geographical shift) and areal coverage (expanding or retracting), for each community we calculated the centre of distribution (weighted average longitude and latitude) and the proportion of area covered relative to the total area considered, based on the gridded data (Fig. 2). Temporal trends in community area coverage were estimated by linear regression, fitting general linear models, and F-tests were used to evaluate trends significance (Supplementary Table 2).

We also assessed community affinity to environmental characteristics such as bottom depth, water temperature and ice presence (Supplementary Fig. 9 and Supplementary Table 3). Affinities to environmental conditions were addressed using binomial generalized linear models (GLMs; Supplementary Fig. 10 and Supplementary Table 4). For each community, the GLMs were estimated based on the presence–absence data and on the environmental conditions at each station, an approach akin to species distribution modelling36, but here applied to the distribution of communities rather than individual species. The models output allowed us to characterize affinities (in 2004 and for all years). The environmental variables included as predictors in the GLMs showed some degree of collinearity, but even the strongest correlation detected (r = −0.31, between water temperature and ice presence in 2004) had an absolute value far below |r| = 0.7, which is considered a threshold level beyond which collinearity may seriously distort model estimation37. Another problem afflicting models of distributional data is spatial autocorrelation, which may lead to overly optimistic standard error estimates36, 38. This is primarily a concern for predictive modelling purposes, which are not a goal of this study. In our data, inspection of correlograms of the binary response variables showed significant positive correlation for lag distances of up to about 300 km, but the positive autocorrelation was effectively reduced in correlograms of the GLMs residuals, indicating that the environmental predictor variables could account for most of the spatial autocorrelation in the response. The latter implies that spatial autocorrelation should not be a concern in our GLMs (ref. 38).

To investigate the change in abundance of individual fish species within the specified Arctic area (Fig. 3 inset map), the abundances in 2004 were subtracted from those of each year in the period 2005–2012. The abundance deviations were plotted by sorting species according to their geographic affinity (average latitude of a species distribution, all years), from south to north (Fig. 3).

  1. Hoegh-Guldberg, O. & Bruno, J. F. The impact of climate change on the worlds marine ecosystems. Science 328, 15231528 (2010).
  2. Doney, S. C. et al. Climate change impacts on marine ecosystems. Annu. Rev. Mar. Sci. 4, 1137 (2012).
  3. Cheung, W. W. L. et al. Projecting global marine biodiversity impacts under climate change scenarios. Fish Fish. 10, 235251 (2009). URL:
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Maria Fossheim. Recent warming leads to a rapid borealization of fish communities in the Arctic[J]. Nature Climate Change,2015-05-18,Volume:5:Pages:673;677 (2015).
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