globalchange  > 气候变化事实与影响
DOI: doi:10.1038/nclimate2617
Anthropogenic contribution to global occurrence of heavy-precipitation and high-temperature extremes
作者: E. M. Fischer
刊名: Nature Climate Change
ISSN: 1758-926X
EISSN: 1758-7046
出版年: 2015-04-27
卷: Volume:5, 页码:Pages:560;564 (2015)
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Attribution

Climate change includes not only changes in mean climate but also in weather extremes. For a few prominent heatwaves and heavy precipitation events a human contribution to their occurrence has been demonstrated1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Here we apply a similar framework but estimate what fraction of all globally occurring heavy precipitation and hot extremes is attributable to warming. We show that at the present-day warming of 0.85 °C about 18% of the moderate daily precipitation extremes over land are attributable to the observed temperature increase since pre-industrial times, which in turn primarily results from human influence6. For 2 °C of warming the fraction of precipitation extremes attributable to human influence rises to about 40%. Likewise, today about 75% of the moderate daily hot extremes over land are attributable to warming. It is the most rare and extreme events for which the largest fraction is anthropogenic, and that contribution increases nonlinearly with further warming. The approach introduced here is robust owing to its global perspective, less sensitive to model biases than alternative methods and informative for mitigation policy, and thereby complementary to single-event attribution. Combined with information on vulnerability and exposure, it serves as a scientific basis for assessment of global risk from extreme weather, the discussion of mitigation targets, and liability considerations.

Significant trends in temperature and precipitation extremes over the recent decades have been observed7, 8, 9, 10 and attributed to human influence11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Although none of these extreme events was exclusively anthropogenic in a deterministic sense, climate change has changed their odds, which can be expressed as a change in the fraction of attributable risk (FAR; refs 2, 16). The FAR framework has been used to quantify the human influence on the occurrence of individual recent heat waves and dry spells1, 2, 3, 4, 17 and heavy precipitation and flooding events5. Although the framework is effective, the underlying model experiments often have to be designed specifically for certain events. Thus, the FAR estimates for the 2003 European heatwave are only valid for the observed anomaly over the specific area, but do not apply to a similar event occurring further east. Here we extend the FAR framework from individual observed events to global scales. Thereby we address the question of what fraction of extremes occurring globally is attributable to human influence.

We use the two metrics ‘probability ratio (PR) and FAR (ref. 2), defined as PR = P1/P0 and FAR = 1 − (P0/P1), respectively, where P0 is the probability of exceeding a certain quantile during the pre-industrial control period and P1 the probability of exceeding it, for example, in present-day climate (see Methods). In simple words, PR is the factor by which the probability of an event has changed, and FAR indicates the fraction attributable to humans. ‘Fraction of events throughout the text should be interpreted as an anthropogenic contribution to the probability of such events, rather than some events being anthropogenic and some not. We base our estimates on well-defined percentiles of daily temperature and precipitation derived from long pre-industrial control runs of 25 CMIP5 models (see models in Supplementary Table 1).

In response to increasing global temperatures, models project more heavy precipitation days, as illustrated by histograms aggregating daily precipitation (Fig. 1) across Northern Europe and North America (see Methods). The simulated occurrence of heavy precipitation days under present-day warming of 0.85 °C (blue lines) is only slightly higher than in pre-industrial conditions. At a warming of 2 °C (red lines) the probability of the most extreme cases, exceeding the pre-industrial 99.99%-quantile, increases by about a factor of 1.5 to 3 depending on region and model (lower panels). This implies that on average across the area an event expected once every 10,000 days (about 30 years), in pre-industrial conditions, is expected every 10 to 20 years at a 2 °C warming. The wet tail of the precipitation distribution becomes fatter; thus, the PR increases most rapidly for the most intense and rarest events (Fig. 1) at the expense of days with moderate, low or no precipitation. This is consistent with the finding that in some cases mean precipitation decreases (primarily owing to large-scale circulation change), whereas extreme precipitation increases owing to increased water-holding capacity of warmer air18.

Figure 1: Regional changes in precipitation extremes.
Regional changes in precipitation extremes.

a,b, Histograms of daily precipitation for Northern Europe (a) and North America (b), binned according to the local percentiles in the pre-industrial control simulation (black) of the respective model for a present-day warming of 0.85 °C (blue dots, individual models) and a 2 °C warming (red dots, individual models) relative to pre-industrial conditions. c,d, Probability ratios (PR) for individual bins relative to pre-industrial conditions for Northern Europe (c) and North America (d). Bins of all land gridpoints are aggregated across Northern Europe 48°–75° N; 10° W–40° E and North America 12°–66° N; 60°–170° W.

We analyse daily output of historical simulations for the period 1901–2005 as well as future projections forced with RCP8.5 for the period 2006–2100. We use output of 25 CMIP5 models that provide all the necessary output to analyse changes in daily temperature and precipitation extremes (see Supplementary Table 1).

We quantify the probability of exceeding certain percentiles of daily temperature and precipitation. The percentiles are calculated at each individual gridpoint from daily data for the last 200 years of the pre-industrial control simulations, which ensures well-defined levels even for the local 99.99% quantiles. Note that, in contrast to the ETCCDI indices TX90 or TN10, we do not use seasonally varying percentiles but calculate the percentiles based on all days of a 200-yr period. Consequently, the temperature extremes occur during the hottest period and do not include the anomalous warm days of the cold season as for TX90. The same 200-yr pre-industrial control period is used for the reference global mean temperature relative to which the warming targets are defined. For precipitation the percentiles are defined across all precipitation and non-precipitation days of the last 200 years of the pre-industrial control run to avoid a change in the number of wet days affecting the percentile level.

In Fig. 1 we illustrate the change in the occurrence of heavy precipitation days using daily histograms aggregating over Northern Europe and North America. To this end we bin the daily precipitation data for each model according to the above pre-industrial percentiles of the respective model. Note that the bins have the same relative limits but the absolute limits differ across gridboxes. We bin daily precipitation for the 30-yr period in which the respective model shows a mean warming of 0.85 °C (present day) and 2 °C at each grid point. The frequency of days in the 30-yr period falling in each of the bins is then averaged across the area of Northern Europe and North America, respectively. Thereby we derive area-aggregated histograms of daily precipitation shown in Fig. 1.

We here use the two metrics ‘probability ratio (PR) and ‘fraction of attributable risk (FAR) introduced by ref. 2. Probability ratio is defined as PR = P1/P0, where P0 is the probability of exceeding a certain quantile during the pre-industrial control period—that is, 0.01 for the 99th percentile—and P1 the probability of exceeding it in any given period (for example, present-day or at 2 °C warming). The fraction of attributable risk is then defined as FAR = 1 − (P0/P1) = 1 − (1/PR). Both PR and FAR were referred to as ‘risk in earlier studies2, 16, but PR is just a ratio of frequencies of occurrence, and in our context does not include any damage, vulnerability or exposure, which are accounted for by comprehensive risk definitions. The term FAR has become common, but is better thought of as which fraction of a series of a particular event can be attributed to external influence.

To calculate a global estimate of PR, we first calculate the frequency of exceeding the 99th and 99.9th percentile at each grid point in each year from 1901 to 2100. We then calculate an area-weighted average across land gridpoints to estimate a global PR—and based on that a global FAR. We then calculate a 30-yr running mean of PR and FAR, which in Fig. 2 is plotted against the 30-yr mean of annual global mean temperatures relative to pre-industrial conditions. Based on this we estimate the PR and FAR value for the 30-yr period when the respective model shows a warming of 0.85, 1.5, 2 and 3 °C. The red band in Fig. 2 is derived by fitting a spline to the each models PR estimates and showing the highest and lowest model estimate for a certain level of warming. Note that this range simply reflects a model spread that may not necessarily reflect an assessed uncertainty range. The PR and FAR estimates for low warming levels include much variability and need to be interpreted with care. The PR values are calculated on the native model grid, which differs in resolution across the models. However, we find no dependence of the PR and FAR estimates on model resolution.

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Recommended Citation:
E. M. Fischer. Anthropogenic contribution to global occurrence of heavy-precipitation and high-temperature extremes[J]. Nature Climate Change,2015-04-27,Volume:5:Pages:560;564 (2015).
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