globalchange  > 过去全球变化的重建
DOI: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.09.016
Scopus记录号: 2-s2.0-84933562749
Deglaciation of Fennoscandia
作者: Stroeven A.P.; Hättestrand C.; Kleman J.; Heyman J.; Fabel D.; Fredin O.; Goodfellow B.W.; Harbor J.M.; Jansen J.D.; Olsen L.; Caffee M.W.; Fink D.; Lundqvist J.; Rosqvist G.C.; Strömberg B.; Jansson K.N.
刊名: Quaternary Science Reviews
ISSN: 2773791
出版年: 2016
卷: 147
起始页码: 91
结束页码: 121
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Deglaciation ; Fennoscandian Ice Sheet ; Geochronology ; Glacial geomorphology ; Ice sheet dynamics
Scopus关键词: Geochronology ; Glacial geology ; Glaciers ; Luminescence ; Repair ; Statistical tests ; Climatic informations ; Cosmogenic nuclide dating ; Deglaciations ; Glacial geomorphology ; Ice sheet ; Ice sheet dynamics ; Optically stimulated luminescence ; Spatial and temporal patterns ; Ice
英文摘要: To provide a new reconstruction of the deglaciation of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet, in the form of calendar-year time-slices, which are particularly useful for ice sheet modelling, we have compiled and synthesized published geomorphological data for eskers, ice-marginal formations, lineations, marginal meltwater channels, striae, ice-dammed lakes, and geochronological data from radiocarbon, varve, optically-stimulated luminescence, and cosmogenic nuclide dating. This is summarized as a deglaciation map of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet with isochrons marking every 1000 years between 22 and 13 cal kyr BP and every hundred years between 11.6 and final ice decay after 9.7 cal kyr BP. Deglaciation patterns vary across the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet domain, reflecting differences in climatic and geomorphic settings as well as ice sheet basal thermal conditions and terrestrial versus marine margins. For example, the ice sheet margin in the high-precipitation coastal setting of the western sector responded sensitively to climatic variations leaving a detailed record of prominent moraines and other ice-marginal deposits in many fjords and coastal valleys. Retreat rates across the southern sector differed between slow retreat of the terrestrial margin in western and southern Sweden and rapid retreat of the calving ice margin in the Baltic Basin. Our reconstruction is consistent with much of the published research. However, the synthesis of a large amount of existing and new data support refined reconstructions in some areas. For example, the LGM extent of the ice sheet in northwestern Russia was located far east and it occurred at a later time than the rest of the ice sheet, at around 17–15 cal kyr BP. We also propose a slightly different chronology of moraine formation over southern Sweden based on improved correlations of moraine segments using new LiDAR data and tying the timing of moraine formation to Greenland ice core cold stages. Retreat rates vary by as much as an order of magnitude in different sectors of the ice sheet, with the lowest rates on the high-elevation and maritime Norwegian margin. Retreat rates compared to the climatic information provided by the Greenland ice core record show a general correspondence between retreat rate and climatic forcing, although a close match between retreat rate and climate is unlikely because of other controls, such as topography and marine versus terrestrial margins. Overall, the time slice reconstructions of Fennoscandian Ice Sheet deglaciation from 22 to 9.7 cal kyr BP provide an important dataset for understanding the contexts that underpin spatial and temporal patterns in retreat of the Fennoscandian Ice Sheet, and are an important resource for testing and refining ice sheet models. © 2015 The Authors
资助项目: We thank Chris Clark and an anonymous reviewer for useful constructive criticism that improved the clarity of the paper. Swedish Research Council Grants G-AA/GU 12034-300 and G-AA/GU 12034-301 to Stroeven and National Science Foundation Grants OPP-9818162 and OPP-0138486 to Harbor provided partial support for this work. The Swedish Research Council (2007-15) and Granholmsstiftelse at Stockholm University generously supported Stroeven to host the first of a couple of deglaciation workshops at the Tarfala Research Station in late March–April 2007. Jansen was supported by a UK NERC fellowship (NE/EO14143/1). We thank Helena Alexanderson, John Clague, Timothy Johnsen, Yingkui Li, and Kurt Lambeck for their contribution to the 2007 workshop. The field data has been collected with the help of Ingmar Borgström (2000), Magnus Johansson (2001), Torbjörn Dahlgren (2002), Karin Ebert (2002), Angelica Feurdean (2002), Barbara Wohlfarth (2002), Svante Björck (2003), Eva Sahlin (2003), Vasily Kolka (2004), and Alexandru T. Codilean (2009). We received considerable support at three accelerator facilities (PrimeLab, ANSTO, and SUERC), and we are most grateful to staff at these facilities. Fig. 2c was reprinted from the Journal of Glaciology with permission of the International Glaciological Society.
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资源类型: 期刊论文
Appears in Collections:过去全球变化的重建

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作者单位: Geomorphology and Glaciology, Department of Physical Geography, Stockholm University, Sweden; Bolin Centre for Climate Research, Stockholm University, Sweden; SUERC-AMS, Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre, East Kilbride Scotland, United Kingdom; Geological Survey of Norway, Trondheim, Norway; Department of Geography, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway; Department of Geological Sciences, Stockholm University, Sweden; Department of Geology, Lund University, Sweden; Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, Purdue University, West Lafayette, United States; Institute of Earth and Environmental Science, University of Potsdam, Germany; Department of Physics and Astronomy/Purdue Rare Isotope Measurement Laboratory, Purdue University, West Lafayette, United States; Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organization, PMB1, Menai, Australia; Department of Earth Science, University of Bergen, Norway

Recommended Citation:
Stroeven A.P.,Hättestrand C.,Kleman J.,et al. Deglaciation of Fennoscandia[J]. Quaternary Science Reviews,2016-01-01,147
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