globalchange  > 影响、适应和脆弱性
DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2014.10.031
Scopus记录号: 2-s2.0-84911164263
Guild-specific responses of forest Lepidoptera highlight conservation-oriented forest management - Implications from conifer-dominated forests
作者: Thorn S.; Hacker H.H.; Seibold S.; Jehl H.; Bässler C.; Müller J.
刊名: Forest Ecology and Management
ISSN:  0378-1127
出版年: 2015
卷: 337
起始页码: 41
结束页码: 47
语种: 英语
英文关键词: Ips typographus ; Multi-layered forest stand ; Natural disturbance ; Red list ; Salvage logging ; Single-layered forest stand
Scopus关键词: Biodiversity ; Ecosystems ; Feeding ; Forest stand ; Ips typographus ; Natural disturbance ; Red list ; Salvage logging ; Forestry ; biodiversity ; coniferous forest ; conservation management ; forest management ; guild ; moth ; nocturnal activity ; Red List ; strategic approach ; Biodiversity ; Conservation ; Forest Management ; Forests ; Logging ; Coniferophyta ; Ips typographus ; Lepidoptera
英文摘要: The loss of biodiversity in forest ecosystems has led to a discussion on conservation-oriented forest management, particularly in intensively managed coniferous forest of the northern hemisphere. Two conservation-oriented management strategies, namely advancement of multi-layered forests stands and benign neglect of naturally disturbed stands, are currently being promoted over conventional management strategies of single-layered stands and salvage logging after natural disturbances. However, the effect of these conservation-oriented strategies on nocturnal Lepidoptera has not yet been assessed, despite the high contribution of this order to biodiversity. Here we used full assemblage data of forest-dwelling micro-moths and macro-moths to compare species densities and relative abundance of moths of the larval feeding guilds in single-layered and multi-layered stands, and in naturally disturbed salvaged or unsalvaged stands. We demonstrate that forest moth assemblages are sensitive to conservation-oriented forest management strategies. The relative abundance of moths of the saproxylic and detritus-feeding larval guilds was higher in naturally disturbed unsalvaged stands and in multi-layered stands, whereas that of moths of the moss-feeding larval guild was lower in multi-layered stands. These results corroborate the benefit of a benign-neglect strategy in the management of naturally disturbed stands in conserving saproxylic and detritus-feeding moths and in using natural disturbance to guide the enhancement of stand complexity. Our results demonstrate both the power of functional approaches to reveal slight changes in species communities and the importance of including micro-moths (a frequently disregarded group) in studies aimed at developing management implications for forest managers. © 2014 Elsevier B.V.
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Appears in Collections:影响、适应和脆弱性

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作者单位: Bavarian Forest National Park, Freyunger Str. 2, Grafenau, Germany; Terrestrial Ecology, Department of Ecology and Ecosystem Management, Technische Universität München, Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2, Freising, Germany; Bavarian State Collection of Zoology, Munich, Germany

Recommended Citation:
Thorn S.,Hacker H.H.,Seibold S.,et al. Guild-specific responses of forest Lepidoptera highlight conservation-oriented forest management - Implications from conifer-dominated forests[J]. Forest Ecology and Management,2015-01-01,337
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