globalchange  > 科学计划与规划
DOI: 10.1002/2014GL062575
Long-term changes in soil pH across major forest ecosystems in China
作者: Yang Y.; Li P.; He H.; Zhao X.; Datta A.; Ma W.; Zhang Y.; Liu X.; Han W.; Wilson M.C.; Fang J.
刊名: Geophysical Research Letters
ISSN: 0094-8981
EISSN: 1944-8712
出版年: 2015
卷: 42, 期:3
起始页码: 933
结束页码: 940
语种: 英语
英文关键词: artificial neural network ; data synthesis ; national soil inventory ; soil pH dynamics
Scopus关键词: Ecology ; Forestry ; Neural networks ; Nitrogen ; Soils ; Sulfur ; Artificial neural network simulation ; Broad-leaved forests ; Data synthesis ; Deposition of sulfurs ; Environmental problems ; Industrial revolutions ; Soil inventories ; Soil pH ; Ecosystems ; artificial neural network ; atmospheric deposition ; environmental fate ; forest ecosystem ; industrial restructuring ; long-term change ; nitrogen ; pH ; soil pollution ; sulfur ; topsoil ; China
英文摘要: Atmospheric acidic deposition has been a major environmental problem since the industrial revolution. However, our understanding of the effect of acidic deposition on soil pH is inconclusive. Here we examined temporal variations in topsoil pH and their relationships with atmospheric sulfur and nitrogen deposition across China's forests from the 1980s to the 2000s. To accomplish this goal, we conducted artificial neural network simulations using historical soil inventory data from the 1980s and a data set synthesized from literature published after 2000. Our results indicated that significant decreases in soil pH occurred in broadleaved forests, while minor changes were observed in coniferous and mixed coniferous and broadleaved forests. The magnitude of soil pH change was negatively correlated with atmospheric sulfur and nitrogen deposition. This relationship highlights the need for stringent measures that reduce sulfur and nitrogen emissions so as to maintain ecosystem structure and function. © 2015 The Authors.
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资源类型: 期刊论文
Appears in Collections:科学计划与规划

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作者单位: State Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change, Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China

Recommended Citation:
Yang Y.,Li P.,He H.,et al. Long-term changes in soil pH across major forest ecosystems in China[J]. Geophysical Research Letters,2015-01-01,42(3).
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