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项目编号: 1645127
Under the Ice: Two Artists Collaborate to Connect Audiences with Antarctic Sea Life and Science"
作者: Kirsten Carlson
承担单位: Carlson Kirsten M
批准年: 2017
开始日期: 2017-11-01
结束日期: 2018-04-30
资助金额: 1
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Standard Grant
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Geosciences - Polar
英文关键词: science ; artist ; sea life ; audience ; ice ; art ; marine science research ; ecosystem science ; science group ; few nsf antarctic artists ; science communication ; antarctic artist ; way audience ; national science foundation ; diverse audience ; other artist
英文摘要: "Under the Ice: Two Artists Connect Audiences with Antarctic Sea Life and Science" is a collaboration between Kirsten Carlson and Michelle Schwengel-Regala, two scientists turned artists who specialize in science communication. This Antarctic Artists and Writers project will give the public--both adults and children in the U.S.--access to our planet's coldest and most remote marine ecosystem. From observing field work at McMurdo Sound, the artists will produce an online journal, an interactive traveling exhibit and a nonfiction children's book to connect audiences to the sea life and science under the ice. These creative products will expand audiences' interest in sea life and science in the Antarctic marine ecosystem, and advance their understanding of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) through art. The products will also increase scientific literacy, by educating and engaging audiences in skills used by scientists. By empowering diverse audiences to discover and develop personal connections with this remote environment, the artists will promote positive connections for how people relate to art, science, and the natural environment and will establish a pathway for people to learn about and appreciate ecosystem science and find their own ways to communicate science through art.

Even though the National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of Polar Programs has supported marine science research in Antarctica for decades, few NSF Antarctic Artists and Writers program awardees have made this work the focus of their project. This project will make Antarctica marine ecosystem science accessible to the lay public by combining art and science in innovative ways. The artists will be based at McMurdo Station for six weeks, making direct observations of sea life under the ice by conducting 20-50 dives per person at various dive sites. They will utilize the underwater observation tube for additional access and will use the wet lab to interact with specimens collected by science groups. One artist will focus on drawing from life and designing 3-D patterns to create actual-size textile models of endemic creatures. The other artist will use her skills as an illustrator, designer, and children's book creator for 2-D products. Field sketching, color studies, pattern notes, watercolor, writing, photography, and film will be used to document their experiences and develop the online journal, interactive exhibit, and children's book. While in the field they will also conduct three outreach sessions through Skype. The under-ice sea life and research will be the focus of the exhibit, but the issue of human habitation in an inhospitable environment will also be addressed. This project's potential contribution includes a new paradigm on how to relate to science. Through the lens of art, Michelle and Kirsten will offer ways audiences can connect to their own local communities and ecosystems, whether above or below water, by contrasting it with one of the most extreme environments on planet Earth.
资源类型: 项目
Appears in Collections:全球变化的国际研究计划

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Recommended Citation:
Kirsten Carlson. Under the Ice: Two Artists Collaborate to Connect Audiences with Antarctic Sea Life and Science". 2017-01-01.
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