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项目编号: 1750630
Collaborative Research: RAPID/Workshop- Antarctic Ecosystem Research following Ice Shelf Collapse and Iceberg Calving Events
作者: Craig Smith
承担单位: University of Hawaii
批准年: 2017
开始日期: 2017-09-15
结束日期: 2018-08-31
资助金额: 9992
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Standard Grant
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Geosciences - Polar
英文关键词: researcher ; international antarctic research community ; research ; antarctic researcher ; workshop ; time-sensitive research opportunity ; research effort ; important research knowledge gap ; important research priority ; ecosystem science ; calving ; ecosystem experience ; ice shelf ; antarctic ice shelf ; larsen c ice shelf ; florida state university ; square kilometer iceberg shed ; recent event ; large iceberg calving ; ice-shelf collapse ; polar ecosystem
英文摘要: Worldwide publicity surrounding the calving of an iceberg the size of Delaware in July 2017 from the Larsen C Ice Shelf on the eastern side of the Antarctic Peninsula presents a unique and time-sensitive opportunity for research and education on polar ecosystems in a changing climate. The goal of this project is to convene a workshop, drawing from the large fund of intellectual capital in the US and international Antarctic research communities. The two-day workshop will be held at Florida State University where a consortium of researchers with expertise in Antarctic biological, ecological, and ecosystem sciences will be gathered to share knowledge, identify important research knowledge gaps, and outline strategic plans for research. The workshop will help advance scientific and public understanding of the continent-wide changes that Antarctic ice shelves and surrounding ecosystems experience as ice shelves change. The primary products will be reports focusing on synthesizing, coordinating and integrating research efforts to understand the ecological impacts of ice-shelf collapses and large iceberg calving along the Antarctic Peninsula. The workshop will also provide an immediate, interactive experience for K-12 school children with a hands-on ?Saturday Polar Academy?, a children's poster session, and question-answer session during the workshop. Children will have the opportunity to interact with Antarctic researchers and become familiar with Antarctic science, organisms, ecosystems and current issues, feeding their scientific curiosity.

The calving of A-68, the 5,800 square kilometer iceberg shed in July 2017 from the Larsen C Ice Shelf presents a unique and time-sensitive research opportunity. The scientific momentum and public interest created by this most recent event will be leveraged to convene a workshop at the earliest opportunity, drawing from the large intellectual capital in the US and international Antarctic research communities. The two-day workshop will be held at Florida State University, Coastal and Marine Laboratory on the Gulf Coast organized by Jeroen Ingels (Florida State University; FSU), Richard Aronson (Florida Institute of Technology; FIT), and Craig Smith (University of Hawaii at Manoa; UHM). A consortium of researchers with a diversity of expertise in Antarctic biological, ecological, and ecosystem sciences will be gathered to share knowledge, identify important research priorities and knowledge gaps, and outline strategic plans to advance understanding of the continent-wide changes that Antarctic ice shelves and surrounding ecosystems experience as ice shelves change.
资源类型: 项目
Appears in Collections:全球变化的国际研究计划

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Craig Smith. Collaborative Research: RAPID/Workshop- Antarctic Ecosystem Research following Ice Shelf Collapse and Iceberg Calving Events. 2017-01-01.
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