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项目编号: 1653181
CAREER: Three-Dimensional Unsteady Flow Interactions in Flocks and Schools
作者: Keith Moored III
承担单位: Lehigh University
批准年: 2017
开始日期: 2017-09-01
结束日期: 2022-08-31
资助金额: 500000
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Standard Grant
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Engineering - Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems
英文关键词: flow physics ; body ; collective interaction ; fluid-mediated ; fluid-mediated force ; fluid dynamic interaction ; vortical flow ; synergistic interaction ; flow mechanism ; classical vortex-body interaction ; flow diagnostic ; unsteady interaction ; detailed stereoscopic flow measurement ; vortex-body interaction ; animal ; rotorcraft vortex-blade interaction ; knowledge ; bio-inspired
英文摘要: This project is focused on extending our knowledge of the fluid dynamic interactions that occur in animal collectives, that is, flocks, schools and swarms. The overarching research goal of the program is to understand the flow mechanisms that occur among unsteady, three-dimensional interacting bodies in complex arrangements. The educational goal is to promote the engagement of women in STEM by providing engineering experiences for middle school, undergraduate and graduate female students through a schooling twiddle-fish design competition as a part of Lehigh University's CHOICES program. By examining the three-dimensional, unsteady interactions that occur in collectives, an understanding of the energetics of schooling in nature will be elucidated. Additionally, the fundamental knowledge to engineer schools of bio-inspired devices will be discovered leading to fast, efficient, maneuverable, agile and quiet collective machines. Better estimates of the energy budget of schooling animals will lead to more accurate population models. This will help scientists determine how fragile biological networks are to overfishing, loss of habitat and the changing climate. Novel control of rotorcraft vortex-blade interactions and of aircraft wings in response to atmospheric vortical gusts may be possible. New three-dimensional arrangements of wind and hydrokinetic turbines that use synergistic interactions may be discovered.

Advances in flow diagnostics, force sensors and knowledge of unsteady, vortical flows over the past decade have opened the door to characterizing and understanding the fluid mechanics of collective interactions. The flow physics can be viewed as highly three-dimensional, unsteady, vortex-body interactions with the influence of a vorticity control device, i.e. an oscillating propulsor. These flows are characterized by high Reynolds numbers, biologically relevant thrust-producing Strouhal numbers, and high reduced frequencies placing them outside of the regime of classical vortex-body interactions. The specific research objectives are to: (1) characterize the forces, energetics and flow physics of collective locomotion for varying synchrony and various arrangements typical of animals; (2) examine the hypothesis that the lattice-like arrangements seen in nature may be due to fluid-mediated forces; (3) determine how canonical vortical wake topologies of individuals are mapped to energetically-optimal or fluid-mediated collective arrangements; (4) determine scaling laws for the design of schooling bio-inspired vehicles; and (5) detail the flow physics of self-propelled interacting bodies. The proposed research will be an integration of experiments and computations. A novel cyber-physical apparatus will be developed to examine the unconstrained dynamics that emerge from self-propelled interacting bodies. Additionally, novel extensions of our in-house fast boundary element method will be leveraged to explore large numbers of self-propelled interacting bodies. The proposed measurements and numerics will quantify for the first time the three-dimensional fluid-mediated forces between interacting propulsors giving insight into stable equilibria for individuals in a collective. The detailed stereoscopic flow measurements will capture the mechanisms associated with high performance. This novel data will settle the debate as to whether animals' lattice-like arrangements are for energetic reasons, are a by-product of fluid-mediated forces, or neither. From this research, engineers will be able to develop efficient and fast schools of bio-inspired devices. Knowledge of collective interactions also provides further insight into the dynamics of animals and robots flying and swimming near a free surface, a wall or the ground.
资源类型: 项目
Appears in Collections:全球变化的国际研究计划

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Keith Moored III. CAREER: Three-Dimensional Unsteady Flow Interactions in Flocks and Schools. 2017-01-01.
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