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项目编号: 1707042
Nutrient dynamics along a river continuum: combining sensor data, experiments, and time series analyses to identify local to watershed scale drivers of nutrient cycling
作者: Ricardo Gonzalez-Pinzon
承担单位: University of New Mexico
批准年: 2017
开始日期: 2017-08-15
结束日期: 2020-07-31
资助金额: 329740
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Standard Grant
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Engineering - Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems
英文关键词: nutrient dynamics ; time-series ; river continuum ; river network ; time-series analysis toolbox ; continuous water quality datum ; project ; hourly time scale ; state-of-the-art sensor technology ; arid land river network ; entire continuum ; nutrient uptake parameter ; nutrient cycle ; hourly experimental datum ; high-information-yield field experiment ; multi-parameter datum collection ; time scale ; river ecosystem ; nutrient uptake ; short time period ; nutrient loading ; increase nutrient recycling ; nutrient uptake dynamics ; excess nutrient loading ; state-of-the-art time-series analysis
英文摘要: PI Name: Ricardo Gonzalez-Pinzon
Proposal Number: 1707042

The objective of this project is to develop a spatially and temporally holistic, watershed-level understanding of nutrient dynamics in arid land river networks. Excess nutrient loading is one of the most common and disruptive disturbances to river ecosystems, and the negative impacts extend to downstream lakes, aquifers and coastal waters that are highly susceptible to nutrient loading. Results from this project will provide methods to assess the transport and fate of carbon and nutrients in river networks, promote a more complete understanding of the complex connections between water resources, food production, and nutrient cycles, and provide information about ways to reduce pollution and increase nutrient recycling.

The PIs will leverage existing state-of-the-art sensor technology to continuously monitor water quality parameters, nitrate, phosphate, and dissolved organic carbon for two years along a river continuum that spans four orders of magnitude in mean annual discharge, ~2000 m in altitude, and ~500 km of stream length. Every three weeks during this period a recently developed, high-information-yield field experiment will be conducted at each study site to quantify nutrient uptake parameters at the hourly time scale. A time-series analysis toolbox will then be used to combine the continuous water quality data with the hourly experimental data to quantify how stream metabolism and nutrient uptake dynamics vary along the river continuum at a variety of time scales and to identify the most important factors in creating this variability. This project will advance the current understanding of nutrient dynamics in streams due to the use of: 1) multi-year, all season monitoring, which will expand the traditional trend of collecting data for short time periods, 2) simultaneous monitoring of numerous stream orders, 3) multi-parameter data collection, which will provide necessary context to more fully understand nutrient dynamics considering transport and stoichiometric constraints, and 4) state-of-the-art time-series analyses that enable the construction of parsimonious models capable of representing temporal (multi-season) and spatial (entire continuum) nutrient uptake and transport processes.
资源类型: 项目
Appears in Collections:全球变化的国际研究计划

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Ricardo Gonzalez-Pinzon. Nutrient dynamics along a river continuum: combining sensor data, experiments, and time series analyses to identify local to watershed scale drivers of nutrient cycling. 2017-01-01.
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