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项目编号: 1650355
Intragrain Oxygen-isotope Zoning and the Fast Grain Boundary Model: A New Approach to Thermal Histories and Fluid-rock Interactions
作者: Chloe Bonamici
承担单位: New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
批准年: 2017
开始日期: 2017-06-01
结束日期: 2020-05-31
资助金额: 247580
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Continuing grant
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Geosciences - Earth Sciences
英文关键词: oxygen-isotope ; oxygen-isotope zoning ; mineral ; research ; oxygen-isotope composition ; fluid-rock interaction ; fluid-rock ; temperature ; intragrain compositional heterogeneity ; analytical geochemistry ; new mexico institute ; graduate student ; chemical zoning ; tectonic-scale geologic event ; past thermal event ; tectonic deformation ; competitive research ; past earth event ; water composition ; research program ; untapped record ; individual mineral ; recent advance ; metamorphic condition ; small-scale datum ; individual mineral grain ; oxygen isotope ; data-constrained interpretation ; geochemistry program ; accurate measurement ; analytical technique ; rock microstructure ; mass transfer ; geochemical methodology ; micro scale mineral composition ; several western us metamorphic core complex ; western united states ; numerical model aid ; early-career female geoscientist ; ore formation ; grain-scale mass transfer ; fast grain boundary ; experimental program ; technological fluency ; geochemical time capsule ; new approach ; mineral composition ; larger-scale tectonic driver ; fluid history ; quantitative data analysis ; research training ; isotopic zoning ; analytical technology ; major challenge ; many zoning study ; oxygen isotope datum ; measured oxygen isotope pattern ; fluid isotopic composition ; spatial variability ; past movement ; measurement technique ; time capsule ; computational modeling ; fgb computational tool ; research project
英文摘要: Minerals are powerful, but tiny, time capsules of past Earth events and conditions. Unpacking these geochemical time capsules involves two major challenges: 1) precise and accurate measurement of mineral composition at the scale of micrometers, and 2) linking micro scale mineral composition to tectonic-scale geologic events. This research project will use recent advances in analytical technology to investigate oxygen isotopes in individual minerals from a tectonically unique region of the western United States. Measured oxygen isotope patterns will be used to quantify temperature, time, and water composition during tectonic deformation. Oxygen isotope data will thus provide new, highly detailed information about the past movement of heat and fluids, which is necessary to understanding ore formation and deformation of Earth's crust. This research will expand geochemical methodologies, both analytical and computational, for transforming small-scale data from minerals into understanding of big-picture geologic events and processes. This award is co-funded by the Petrology & Geochemistry program and EPSCoR (Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research) and will help enable the research training of two undergraduate and two graduate students at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology. Specifically, advanced students will undertake a project that combines skills in analytical geochemistry and computational modeling that will prepare them for careers that require technological fluency and the ability to perform quantitative data analysis. The proposed project will also help to establish the research program of an early-career female geoscientist.

The spatial variability (zoning) of oxygen-isotope composition within individual mineral grains is, as yet, a largely untapped record of past thermal events and fluid-rock interactions. Many zoning studies have investigated chemical zoning in minerals, but only recently have advances in analytical techniques opened up investigation of isotopic zoning. Oxygen-isotope zoning is particularly useful as a monitor of changing metamorphic conditions and/or fluid-rock interactions over time because the oxygen-isotope composition of minerals is sensitive to temperature and fluid isotopic composition. The Fast Grain Boundary (FGB) conceptual and numerical model aid in linking grain-scale mass transfer to rock microstructure and macrostructure, and then to larger-scale tectonic drivers of mass transfer. Thus, FGB and oxygen-isotope zoning measurements together represent a new approach for developing meaningful, data-constrained interpretations of intragrain compositional heterogeneity. This research will therefore leverage state-of-the-art in situ measurement techniques, in combination with FGB computational tools, to investigate the thermal and fluid histories of several western US metamorphic core complexes as preserved in oxygen-isotope zoning.
资源类型: 项目
Appears in Collections:全球变化的国际研究计划

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Chloe Bonamici. Intragrain Oxygen-isotope Zoning and the Fast Grain Boundary Model: A New Approach to Thermal Histories and Fluid-rock Interactions. 2017-01-01.
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