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项目编号: 1655898
Characterizing climate-resilient landscapes
作者: Jenny McGuire
承担单位: Georgia Tech Research Corporation
批准年: 2017
开始日期: 2017-05-01
结束日期: 2020-04-30
资助金额: 368260
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Standard Grant
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Biological Sciences - Environmental Biology
英文关键词: climate ; resilience ; area ; year ; climate refugia ; landscape ecology ; resilient area ; landscape diversity ; determinant ; landscape determinant
英文摘要: Prior to the arrival of humans to North America, relatively few species went extinct despite dramatic extremes of climate and environmental changes that occurred during hundreds of thousands of years of glacial and interglacial cycles. An important reason few plants and animals disappeared is that they may have been able to move into climate refugia. Climate refugia are hospitable areas that are resilient to changing environmental conditions over long periods of time. Resilient areas have continued to maintain plant and animal diversity for thousands of years and have the potential to do so into the future. This study uses the fossil pollen record of North America plant species to understand the factors that promoted the existence of climate refugia during glacial periods. This study will also examine how long these refugia lasted and how important they were for the survival of plants. Identifying regions that may be important for preserving species and understanding their importance during changing environmental conditions will inform conservation decisions. This project will train a postdoctoral researcher and provide research experiences for undergraduate students in the areas of paleoecology, landscape ecology, and conservation biology. The researchers will also include the public and conservation practitioners in presentations and activities that stress the role of resilience in the preservation of biodiversity.

Resilience, a measure of the amount of disturbance that an ecosystem can undergo without switching states, is a fundamental ecological concept that determines species stability, community composition, and biogeographic changes over time. Several hypotheses exist concerning what climate and landscape determinants make a region more resilient to changing climatic conditions, including relatively low rates of 1) changing conditions and 2) climate velocity, and high 3) climate and 4) landscape diversity. However these hypothesized determinants of resilience lack support because relatively short ecological time periods are insufficient to identify areas that are climate resilient. An important strategy for identifying and understanding currently resilient areas is to test hypothesized determinants of resilience against areas that have been independently identified as resilient in the fossil record. To accomplish this, this project will test the determinants of resilience against two historical datasets: 1) the North American fossil pollen record for the last 10,000 years, which provides long-term record of change in plant community compositions, and 2) identified Pleistocene refugia. The use of the fossil record has the potential to transform our understanding of how landscape, climate, and ecosystem dynamics interact to create resilient areas and will potentially validate the mechanisms behind these causal hypotheses.
资源类型: 项目
Appears in Collections:全球变化的国际研究计划

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Jenny McGuire. Characterizing climate-resilient landscapes. 2017-01-01.
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