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项目编号: 1650692
Collaborative Research: EAGER: The Language of the Forests: Gwich'in Seasonal Relationships to the Interior Alaska Boreal Forests
作者: Joseph Brewer
承担单位: University of Kansas Center for Research Inc
批准年: 2017
开始日期: 2017-02-01
结束日期: 2019-01-31
资助金额: 180813
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Standard Grant
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Geosciences - Polar
英文关键词: gwich ; forestry management ; language ; forest ; forestry practice ; boreal forest ; project ; forestry knowledge ; reliable/tested forestry practice ; co-management ; forestry practice approach ; current forestry ; core research question ; complex seasonal management practice ; deep place-based relationship gwich ; record gwich ; interior alaska ; language project ; arctic boreal encroachment
英文摘要: This project investigates what Gwich'in Athabascans can teach the world, through their language, about boreal forest management in interior Alaska. The focus is on the Athabascan villages of Beaver and Artic where many elders who have lived a subsistence lifestyle reside. Studying Gwich'in forestry management in the Gwich'in language will provide an understanding of the human-environment interaction as a way to create more opportunities for co-management. This project will advance knowledge about forestry management for natural resources managers, and add to the growing body of regional work to promote Indigenous knowledge practice and sustainable management of natural resources. While this project incorporates ideas as well as approaches from current forestry and languages projects, it is also creating new information. This information will provide reliable/tested forestry practices for those interested in the incorporation of Indigenous Knowledge into natural resources management, and will be shared with other villages. The opportunity to establish a Gwich'in forestry practices approach is missing in co-management as well as adaptive management between Indigenous and non-Indigenous agencies. Using management as one of the focal points of this project, the project will document the endangered Gwich'in language in a manner that is not archival, but alive.

This project represents the application of a newly developed model for research, the co-production of scientific knowledge, bringing established forestry management science research together with Gwich'in knowledge holders in order to produce a more contextualized and holistic understanding of the boreal forest. The study will be the first to document Gwich'in forestry practices in a collaborative social and linguistic science investigation. Considered an endangered language, Gwich'in elders who are both fluent speakers and have lived a subsistence lifestyle will be interviewed in the Gwich'in language as a means to communicate complex seasonal management practices of the boreal forests. For this study, language is the vehicle to understand the deep place-based relationship Gwich'in people have with the forests. The core research question centers not only on how Gwich'in people practice forestry management but also on how their relationship to the forests change or evolve seasonally. While this project will not exhaust the discussion, the intention is to accomplish three objectives: 1. Demonstrate the usefulness of Gwich'in forestry knowledge and practices, 2. Record Gwich'in in this context and, 3. Provide a way forward in the co-management of the Alaska's interior boreal forests. Given the objectives, the potential contributions and implications of this study span a number of natural resources co-management opportunities: fire suppression and arctic boreal encroachment, as well as environmental change preparation-adaptation-mitigation.
资源类型: 项目
Appears in Collections:全球变化的国际研究计划

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Joseph Brewer. Collaborative Research: EAGER: The Language of the Forests: Gwich'in Seasonal Relationships to the Interior Alaska Boreal Forests. 2017-01-01.
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