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项目编号: 1724526
CAREER: Bioinspired Adaptively Reconfigurable Material Systems for Programmable and Autonomous Metal Ion Separations
作者: Ximin He
承担单位: University of California-Los Angeles
批准年: 2017
开始日期: 2017-01-01
结束日期: 2021-06-30
资助金额: 504232
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Standard Grant
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Engineering - Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems
英文关键词: research ; bioinspired engineering course ; responsive polymer-based material system ; career development plan ; diverse education ; rare metal removal ; broad application ; hethe efficient extraction ; other autonomous system ; quantitative sorting efficiency evaluation ; system robustness examination ; multiple separation cycle ; high energy consumption operation ; bioinspired strategy ; educational activity ; biological separation process ; reconfigurable material system ; k-12 ; fundamental question ; separation performance ; separation research field ; hybrid material system ; k-12 student participation ; bioinspired engineering ; bioinspired technology ; bioinspired engineering curriculum ; next-generation in-line separation
英文摘要: CAREER 1552690 - He

The efficient extraction of molecules from fluid mixtures is vital for applications ranging from chemical analysis in water treatment to toxic or rare metal removal and recovery. Current methods for this rely on multi-step and high energy consumption operations. Inspired by the efficiency of biological separation processes that seamlessly capture and transport selective biomolecules, this project seeks to achieve a concerted "catch and release" of target molecules from a liquid mixture using responsive polymer-based material systems. The innovation arises from the programmed one-step sorting with low turnaround times. The modular design of the hybrid material system is highly customizable owing to its broad choice of chemistries, tunable mechanics, and physical simplicity. This project's career development plan provides the foundation for a long-term research program in highly efficient capture and isolation of molecules in flowing fluids. Ultimately, this technology platform may lead to the next-generation in-line separation, sensing, and monitoring technologies and be translated into broader areas of smart technology, robotics, bioengineering, and other autonomous systems. A variety of integrated research and educational activities are planned to develop bioinspired engineering curriculum by integrating the research and online media at the K-12, undergraduate, and graduate levels and to increase public awareness of bioinspired technologies and their societal impacts.

The goal of this research is to apply the bioinspired strategy that seamlessly separates biomolecules in a single step to innovate adaptively reconfigurable material systems based on stimuli-responsive hydrogels and to realize continuous "catch and release" of target molecules from a liquid mixture. This research explores fundamental questions of molecular binding affinity in different chemical environments that would facilitate the discovery of new adsorbents. To assess the separation performance of the system, quantitative sorting efficiency evaluation, system robustness examination with amenability to multiple separation cycles, and optimization will be conducted. Practically, the systems encompass significant modularity and design flexibility to permit integration and upscaling for broad applications. This research integrates the disciplines of chemistry, materials, and chemical engineering. Diverse education and outreach activities are planned to promote research, education, and awareness related to bioinspired engineering and separation research fields. These include the development of a bioinspired engineering course on campus integrated with an online channel, and female undergraduate, graduate, and K-12 students participation in the research project, using existing infrastructure in the ASU High School Summer Academy, the Fulton Undergraduate Research Initiative program, and public media.
资源类型: 项目
Appears in Collections:全球变化的国际研究计划

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Recommended Citation:
Ximin He. CAREER: Bioinspired Adaptively Reconfigurable Material Systems for Programmable and Autonomous Metal Ion Separations. 2017-01-01.
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