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项目编号: 1624618
AGS-PRF: Constraining Ammonia Emission Sources in Urban Areas Utilizing Nitrogen Stable Isotopes
作者: Wendell Walters
承担单位: Walters WendellW
批准年: 2016
开始日期: 2016-12-01
结束日期: 2018-11-30
资助金额: 86000
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Fellowship
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Geosciences - Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences
英文关键词: urban area ; ammonia ; urban ammonia source ; oceanic source ; ammonia production ; ammonia emission ; ammonia source ; fossil ammonia source ; fossil fuel related source ; agricultural ammonia source ; result ; isotope specific ammonia measurement ; ammonia budget
英文摘要: Ammonia emissions that produce and neutralize aerosols are increasing in the US . While the agricultural ammonia sources from fertilizer use dominate and are well studied, field studies show that ammonia produced from fossil fuel use in urban areas is underrepresented in current models. This may be a result of the use of various catalytic NOx scrubber technologies in vehicles and power-plants to reduce air pollution that can increase ammonia production, particularly in urban areas. The proposal will use isotope specific ammonia measurements to quantify the fossil fuel related sources in Rhode Island, Indianapolis and Philadelphia. The results will help determine how fossil energy use and and pollution abatement technologies are affecting urban ammonia sources and human health.

The research will use isotopic (15N/14N) studies to develop fingerprinting tools for fossil ammonia sources from automobile engines, power plants, and catalytic NOx scrubbers, agricultural and oceanic sources. Field studies in Providence, Indianapolis, and Rhode Island will be performed to quantitatively attribute the ammonia sources using the 15N/14N observations of ammonia. State of the art instrumentation will be used for the measurements and the results will resolve the outstanding debate on how much fossil combustion is contributing to the ammonia budget and how catalytic NOx scrubber technologies are affecting them.
资源类型: 项目
Appears in Collections:全球变化的国际研究计划

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Wendell Walters. AGS-PRF: Constraining Ammonia Emission Sources in Urban Areas Utilizing Nitrogen Stable Isotopes. 2016-01-01.
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