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项目编号: 1552329
Collaborative Research: Multimodel Bayesian Data-Worth Analysis for Groundwater Remediation Design
作者: Ming Ye
承担单位: Florida State University
批准年: 2016
开始日期: 2016-08-01
结束日期: 2019-07-31
资助金额: 271601
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Standard Grant
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Geosciences - Earth Sciences
英文关键词: data-worth ; data-worth analysis ; remediation design ; research ; real-world ; remediation ; groundwater remediation ; groundwater environment ; model ; remediation failure ; model analysis ; various remediation method ; project ; remediation method ; model uncertainty ; remediation strategy ; on-going environmental remediation ; bayesian approach ; groundwater contaminant transport ; multimodel analysis ; groundwater contaminant remediation
英文摘要: Groundwater contaminant remediation involves removing subsurface contaminants so that they do not pose unacceptable future risks to humans and the environment. While various remediation methods have been developed, they all face a common challenge that the groundwater environment is complex and cannot be fully understood and characterized with limited amount of time and resources. Hence, given the uncertainty in the characterization of the groundwater environment, the challenge is to design a remediation strategy that has the maximum probability of success or equivalently the minimum probability of failure. A common reason for remediation failure is ignoring model uncertainty. Using a single model for remediation design may lead to overconfidence in the predictive capability of the model and thus to increased probability of failure. The proposed research will reexamine the problem of remediation design under model uncertainty by using a multimodel-based data-worth analysis. In other words, multiple models are used to identify and guide the collection of the most valuable data for model evaluation, improvement, and reconstruction. Because of the synthesis between models, remediation designs, and data, the proposed multimodel data-worth analysis for remediation design will provide a transformative platform for scientists, engineers, and decision-makers to systematically investigate all components involved in groundwater remediation. This project will also provide an opportunity for interdisciplinary training of undergraduate and graduate students in the areas of hydrology, computational science, and civil engineering. In addition, the project will engage high school teachers and students in summer schools to gain laboratory and computational experience for understanding the concepts of groundwater contaminant transport and remediation.

The proposed research has two objectives: to reformulate data-worth analysis for groundwater remediation with consideration of model uncertainty, and to break computational barriers between models and model analysis needed for remediation design. To achieve the first objective, a data-worth analysis will be integrated into a framework of multimodel analysis (also known as model averaging), which will be developed into a new procedure for remediation design that will be compatible with the multimodel data-worth analysis. To achieve the second objective, an accurate but cheap-to-evaluate surrogate of the models will be developed and then used for the data-worth analysis and remediation design under uncertainty. The Bayesian approaches (theoretical and computational) will be used for achieving both the objectives. While the proposed method of multimodel Bayesian data-worth analysis is general and can be applied to any remediation method, it will be integrated with the recently developed engineered injection and extraction method, a promising technique for in-situ remediation. The proposed methods will be evaluated in a two-prong strategy using synthetic and real-world modeling problems. The real-world problem involves uranium contamination at the Naturita Site, Colorado, and nitrogen contamination at the Indian River County, Florida. The synthetic study will mimic the real-world problem to the extent possible so that insights gained from the synthetic study can be used directly for the real-world modeling. This project will provide scientific support for on-going environmental remediation and monitoring at the two field sites as well as other contaminated sites.
资源类型: 项目
Appears in Collections:全球变化的国际研究计划

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Recommended Citation:
Ming Ye. Collaborative Research: Multimodel Bayesian Data-Worth Analysis for Groundwater Remediation Design. 2016-01-01.
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