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项目编号: 1553356
CAREER: Deciphering temporal events in mammalian cells using synthetic biology
作者: Wilson Wong
承担单位: Trustees of Boston University
批准年: 2016
开始日期: 2016-03-15
结束日期: 2021-02-28
资助金额: 502214
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Standard Grant
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Engineering - Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems
英文关键词: work ; student ; cell ; living cell ; synthetic biology program ; temporal-order ; mammalian cell ; cellular process ; signal duration ; cellular bioscience ; career award ; synthetic biology ; career proposal
英文摘要: 1553356
Wong, Wilson

A fundamental goal in biology is to understand how cells make decisions when faced with external signal. The proposed work will seek to understand how a cell, through genetic programs found in its genome, can distinguish signals that are varying in time (dynamics) and generate different outcomes. A 'learning by building' approach will be used to engineer genetic systems that can decode dynamic signals. Specifically, the PI will engineer novel genetic programs in living mammalian cells to enable it to interpret signal duration and sequence. This approach will also provide a unique opportunity to bridge basic and applied science, where the novel genetic systems may be used in commercial applications. A broader goal of this proposed work is to inspire students to design living cells, and train the next generation of workforce skilled in genetic engineering to address challenges in health, food, energy, and environment. The education and outreach plans of this proposed work will accomplish these objectives by providing direct and stimulating research experience for undergraduates and underprivileged high school students, and developing classroom and laboratory based courses for students, high school teachers, and researchers.

This CAREER proposal aims to understand how genetic networks process information. Such understanding will provide insight into a wide range of cellular processes. The proposed work will seek to delineate the governing rules of genetic circuits that decipher dynamic signals and produce divergent output states with limited inputs. In particular, two dynamical features, cumulative signal duration and temporal-order will be studied. A forward engineering approach will be used to explore genetic circuits that can decode dynamics. Specifically, the PI will (i) develop DNA recombinase-based cascade circuits to decode signal duration, and (ii) engineer and characterize two-input recombinase-based temporal-order sensing circuits. A broader goal of this proposed work is to inspire students to design living cells, and train the next generation of workforce skilled in synthetic biology to address challenges in health, food, energy, and environment. The education and outreach plans will accomplish these objectives by providing mentored laboratory-based research experience for undergraduates and underprivileged high school students, and by developing classroom and laboratory based courses for students, high school teachers, and researchers.
This CAREER award by the Biotechnology and Biochemical Engineering Program of the CBET Division is co-funded by the Systems and Synthetic Biology Program of the Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences.
资源类型: 项目
Appears in Collections:全球变化的国际研究计划

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Recommended Citation:
Wilson Wong. CAREER: Deciphering temporal events in mammalian cells using synthetic biology. 2016-01-01.
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