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项目编号: 1439559
Early Career: Technical support for a uranium-series isotope geochemistry laboratory focused on Earth?s climate and surface processes
作者: William McGee
承担单位: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
批准年: 2014
开始日期: 2015-01-15
结束日期: 2018-12-31
资助金额: USD355536
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Continuing grant
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Geosciences - Earth Sciences
英文关键词: uranium-series ; technician ; uranium-thorium ; climate event ; other isotope system ; past climate ; accurate uranium-thorium age ; proposed support ; uranium-series disequilibrium ; early career researcher ; technical support ; high-precision isotope analysis ; early career faculty member ; addition ; past climate change ; uranium-series isotope ; uranium-lead geochronometer ; student first-hand geochemistry research experience ; isotope geochemistry lab ; earth surface history ; uranium-series application ; surface process ; laboratory technician ; uranium-thorium geochronology ; detailed climate record ; uranium-series isotope system
英文摘要: Advances in our understanding of the evolution of Earth's climate and surface processes depend in large part upon absolute dating of Earth materials. In studies of past climate changes, high-precision age determinations during the last several hundred thousand years undergird efforts to determine rates of change and test temporal relationships between climate events. This award provides technical support for an early career researcher's laboratory which will allow rapid development of radioisotope based dating methods that optimize precision and efficiency, and foster the development of high-resolution records of past climate tied to precise and accurate ages for a wide variety of collaborative projects. Additional applications of high-precision data throughout the Earth sciences will provide key insights into marine sediment accumulation rates, timescales of weathering and sediment transport, and trace metal cycling in the modern ocean. In addition to substantially accelerating the analytical, collaborative and outreach activities of an early career faculty member, the technician's contributions to method development and new user training would benefit several other internal and external researchers by increasing their access to cutting-edge analytical facilities. In addition, the technician will facilitate hands-on training for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers both within and outside of the research group, helping prepare the next generation of analysts and broadening exposure to high-precision isotope analysis. The technician will facilitate isotopic analyses as a part of an undergraduate course that gives students first-hand geochemistry research experience. The technician will offer training and mentorship to ensure that these undergraduates receive the maximum benefit from their time in the lab. The analytical facility managed by the proposed technician will provide an important resource for the geoscience community, substantially increasing the availability of precise and accurate uranium-thorium ages and uranium-series isotope data for Earth science research. The targeted method development enabled by the technician will help increase the efficiency and precision of existing uranium-series applications and contribute to the development of new tools involving uranium-series.

Specifically, this award funds three years of support for a laboratory technician who will facilitate the development of an isotope geochemistry lab for the application of uranium-series isotopes to studies of Quaternary geochronology, paleoclimate and Earth surface history. The technician will also enable advances in applications of uranium-series isotope systems to other parts of the Earth system through targeted method development and the collection of pilot data, focused in particular on improving the use of uranium-series disequilibrium to estimate timescales of weathering and sediment transport. In addition, collaborations facilitated by the technician's contributions will further extend the impact of the proposed support. The technician will work with other labs to intercalibrate tracers and analytical procedures, helping to establish a geochronology facility that integrates the uranium-thorium and uranium-lead geochronometers to push detailed climate records past the limits of uranium-thorium geochronology back to several million years. In addition, the technician's contributions to developing new analytical protocols and training external users will broaden the facility's capabilities beyond uranium-series to other isotope systems including chromium, iron, and hafnium, directly benefiting researchers with interests ranging from crustal evolution to trace metal cycling in the ocean.
资源类型: 项目
Appears in Collections:影响、适应和脆弱性

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Recommended Citation:
William McGee. Early Career: Technical support for a uranium-series isotope geochemistry laboratory focused on Earth?s climate and surface processes. 2014-01-01.
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