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项目编号: 1437384
SusChem: Sustainable Chemicals Production Using Solid Polymer Electrolyte Reactors
作者: Peter Pintauro
承担单位: Vanderbilt University
批准年: 2013
开始日期: 2014-09-01
结束日期: 2018-08-31
资助金额: USD450000
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Standard Grant
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Engineering - Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems
英文关键词: organic chemical ; electrochemical reactor ; use ; reactor ; project ; chemical engineering ; electricity ; solid polymer electrolyte ; chemical catalysis ; spe reactor ; hydrogenation ; electrochemical organic substrate hydrogenation ; reactor operating parameter ; such reactor ; production scheme ; electrochemical reaction ; electrochemistry ; chemical reaction ; typical chemical process ; water ; chemical process industry ; batch slurry reactor experiment ; reactor operating condition ; hybrid electrochemical/chemical mixed catalytic system ; new chemical ; reactor system
英文摘要: Principal Investigator: Peter N. Pintauro
Number: 1437384

Nontechnical Description

To address concerns related to carbon dioxide emissions and dependence on foreign sources of fossil fuels, the chemical process industry is working to transition its manufacturing methods towards more sustainable raw materials and production schemes. A potentially transformational strategy to improve the environmental and energy sustainability of organic chemical manufacturing would involve the replacement of thermally driven reactions with processes that are driven directly by electricity obtained from renewable resources. A prime example is the reaction of organic chemicals with hydrogen gas to make a variety of new chemicals, a process called hydrogenation, which accounts for up to 20% of all reaction steps in a typical chemical process. Hydrogen gas is typically obtained from the reforming of natural gas, which is an energy-intensive and complicated process requiring fossil fuels. New systems based on electrochemistry offer a sustainable alterative. The overall goal of this study is to develop an electrochemical reactor to carry out the hydrogenation of organic chemicals using electricity, water, and the organic chemical feedstock as the only inputs. In particular, solid polymer electrolyte (SPE) reactors which promote electrochemical reactions are a potentially efficient platform for this purpose. These reactors internally generate hydrogen which feeds the hydrogenation reaction that is occurring at the cathode of the reactor system. The mild temperatures and high hydrogen concentrations at the cathode can promote the production of a variety of commercially relevant hydrogenated organic products. The innovative aspects of the project include the use of electricity, preferably from renewable resources, to drive the chemical reactions under mild conditions of temperature and pressure, the development of novel catalytic cathodes to improve product selectivity, and the use of water as the source of hydrogen. The project will train graduate students in multi-disciplinary science and engineering technologies, including electrochemistry, chemical engineering, and chemical catalysis.

Technical Description

The overall goal of this study is to develop an electrochemical reactor to carry out the hydrogenation of organic chemicals using electricity, water, and the organic chemical feedstock as the only inputs. The availability of low-cost, renewable electricity could drive a transformation in the chemicals processing industry via a significant expansion in the commercial use of electrochemical reactors that use solid polymer electrolytes (SPE) for driving organic hydrogenation reactions. Expanded use and improved designs for such reactors would benefit from a better understanding of the inter-relationships between cathode composition, reactor operating parameters, product yields, and current efficiencies. Towards this end, this project will investigate the use of new catalytic materials and hybrid electrochemical/chemical mixed catalytic systems as the cathode electrode in SPE reactors, and study the selective hydrogenation of multifunctional organic substrates. Experiments will be performed to correlate reactor operating conditions and feed composition to power consumption and products yield. The mechanistic details of electrochemical organic substrate hydrogenation and hydrogen generation on catalytic cathodes will be elucidated through analysis of kinetic data from batch slurry reactor experiments. The project will train graduate students in multi-disciplinary science and engineering technologies, including electrochemistry, chemical engineering, and chemical catalysis.
资源类型: 项目
Appears in Collections:影响、适应和脆弱性

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Recommended Citation:
Peter Pintauro. SusChem: Sustainable Chemicals Production Using Solid Polymer Electrolyte Reactors. 2013-01-01.
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