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项目编号: 1543598
Structure and Dynamics of the Diffusion Region During Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection
作者: Li-Jen Chen
承担单位: University of Maryland College Park
批准年: 2013
开始日期: 2014-08-02
结束日期: 2016-06-30
资助金额: USD268506
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Continuing grant
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Geosciences - Atmospheric and Geospace Sciences
英文关键词: diffusion region ; asymmetric reconnection ; collisionless asymmetric reconnection ; 2d asymmetric reconnection ; magnetopause reconnection event ; magnetic reconnection current sheet ; project ; magnetic reconnection experiment ; 3d asymmetric reconnection
英文摘要: This project concerns the physics of the nonlinear energy conversion in collisionless plasmas, which has crucial applications to space, solar and astrophysical physics as well as laboratory plasma physics. It is aimed at producing new knowledge of how kinetic-scale plasma processes couple to macroscopic phenomena. The overall objective of the effort is to understand the physics of the diffusion region of magnetic reconnection current sheets that separate plasmas of different densities, temperatures, and magnetic fields - so called asymmetric reconnection. Motivated by the lack of knowledge on 3D asymmetric reconnection and discrepancies on 2D asymmetric reconnection, space observations, simulations, and laboratory experiments will be combined to build a body of new knowledge on particle and field characteristics and evolution in the diffusion region of collisionless asymmetric reconnection. Space-based observations from the multi-spacecraft Cluster mission during magnetopause reconnection events will be used. Accompanying simulations consisting of 2- and 3-dimensional Particle-In-Cell and global Hall-MHD studies will be undertaken in collaboration with scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory. The laboratory experiments will be carried out in the Magnetic Reconnection Experiment (MRX) at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory.

Results from the investigation are of interest broadly in the space and basic plasma physics communities. Two graduate students will participate in the project for their Ph.D. thesis work and the results of the project will also be incorporated into various courses for undergraduate and graduate students at UNH and will be used in introductory courses for pre-college students.
资源类型: 项目
Appears in Collections:影响、适应和脆弱性

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Recommended Citation:
Li-Jen Chen. Structure and Dynamics of the Diffusion Region During Asymmetric Magnetic Reconnection. 2013-01-01.
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