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项目编号: 1411403
COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: A Novel Phylogenetic Approach to the Analysis of Bat Phylogenetics and Morphological Evolution
作者: Richard Stevens
承担单位: Texas Tech University
批准年: 2013
开始日期: 2014-01-01
结束日期: 2014-08-31
资助金额: USD60336
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Standard Grant
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Biological Sciences - Environmental Biology
英文关键词: taxonomic group ; education ; pattern ; research ; today ; radiation ; systematic relationship ; new world representative ; morphological evolution ; modern computational biological tool ; distant past ; genome-wide datum ; natural history ; unique attempt ; local community ; own evolutionary path ; small lab ; skeletal material ; related species ; underdeveloped state ; neutral genetic element ; morphometric analysis ; nontarget taxa ; method ; taxonomic level ; modern evolutionary analysis ; genome level datum ; ancient diversification ; rapid radiation ; single bat genus
英文摘要: Even today's broadest taxonomic groups originated in the distant past as diversifications of single species, the progeny of which then proceeded along their own evolutionary paths. While these ancient diversifications will never be observed directly, patterns and processes leading to radiations of taxa that exist today can be studied. Thus, in order to truly understand how the tree of life came to be, ways to analyze genome-wide data at lower taxonomic levels must be found. The research will address this goal by integrating new, high throughput sequencing technologies with modern evolutionary analyses. The potential of this method will be explored by applying it to a difficult problem - the resolution of systematic relationships and patterns of morphological evolution in New World representatives of the bat genus Myotis. However, while the focus of this work is a single bat genus, the method will be broadly applicable to any taxonomic group in which retrotransposons (self-amplifying, neutral genetic elements in the genome) have been active during the radiation of interest.

The methods to be developed have great potential in providing markers that are variable enough to resolve rapid radiations, while also being straightforward to analyze. Moreover, because this methodology is expected to be relatively inexpensive, it is anticipated that it will prove appealing to small labs that focus on resolving relationships among closely related species. The integration of multiple subdisciplines of Biology is often discussed but rarely realized. This project represents a unique attempt to integrate modern computational biological tools using genome level data and well established morphometric analyses. This project will contribute to the infrastructure of science by amassing tissue, skin and skeletal material that will fill gaps in terms of members of the genus Myotis and nontarget taxa. These materials will be deposited in a public repository (Museum of Natural History, LSU) and will be available in perpetuity to the scientific community. Finally, education and outreach to the local communities will be based on the investigation of a charismatic taxonomic group and will improve research and education in two traditionally underdeveloped states.
资源类型: 项目
Appears in Collections:影响、适应和脆弱性

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Richard Stevens. COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: A Novel Phylogenetic Approach to the Analysis of Bat Phylogenetics and Morphological Evolution. 2013-01-01.
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