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项目编号: 1250756
Collaborative Research: Macrophytes Across the Proterozoic - Phanerozoic Boundary: A Baseline Study of Macroalgae During a Critical Interval in Earth System History
作者: Steven LoDuca
承担单位: Eastern Michigan University
批准年: 2012
开始日期: 2013-05-01
结束日期: 2017-04-30
资助金额: USD75000
资助来源: US-NSF
项目类别: Standard Grant
国家: US
语种: 英语
特色学科分类: Geosciences - Earth Sciences
英文关键词: project ; critical interval ; modern sea ; lack ; organic carbon burial ; part ; training ; ediacaran ; general public ; habitat provision ; collaborative research ; problematic nonmineralized taxa ; canadian paleontologist ; four-pronged approach ; morphospace characterization ; paleobiology database ; stem program ; global carbon cycle ; individual macroalgal fossil ; shallow marine setting ; volume ratio ; integrative analysis ; massive influx ; widespread epeiric sea ; noncalcified form ; major carbon isotope excursion ; canopy height ; undergraduate student ; earth system context ; paleontology portal ; sediment generation ; shuhai xiaoeastern michigan university ; collective human heritage ; modern macroalgal community ; early proterozoic ; k-12 teacher ; primary production ; important part ; stratigraphic interval ; evolutionary feedback ; earth system dynamics ; public outreach effort ; deep past ; initial colonization ; proterozoic-phanerozoic boundary ; carbon cycle dynamics ; phanerozoic boundary ; taxonomic datum ; cambrian explosion ; origin ; host significant carbon isotope variation ; early paleozoic macroalgal community ; major animal diversification event ; colossal bloom ; noncalcified macroalga ; stable carbon isotope investigation ; thallus surface area ; animal affinity ; critical role ; earth system historysteven loduca ; full array ; prehistoric marine flora ; morphometric analysis ; macroalgal functional-form group ; earth-life system ; present-day shallow marine ecosystem ; macroalgae experience significant episode ; a baseline study ; ediacaran-cambrian transition ; total organic carbon ; larger-scale investigation ; accessible museum ; fossil datum ; early marine animal ; numerous educational dimension ; terrestrial plant ; early paleozoic konservat-lagerstätten ; international collaboration ; baseline study ; other marine macrophyte ; paleoecological characterization ; burgess shale ; early paleozoic sedimentary rock record ; serious knowledge gap ; morphospace occupation ; early paleozoic sea ; ordovician radiation ; carbon isotope variation ; virginia tech universitybenthic ; kaili biota
资源类型: 项目
Appears in Collections:影响、适应和脆弱性

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作者单位: Eastern Michigan University

Recommended Citation:
Steven LoDuca. Collaborative Research: Macrophytes Across the Proterozoic - Phanerozoic Boundary: A Baseline Study of Macroalgae During a Critical Interval in Earth System History. 2012-01-01.
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