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Current Search ((ALL:Marine ecosystems))
Filters ((语种:英语))
plos one(124)
marine pollution bulletin(32)
global change biology(26)
global biogeochemical cycles(9)
frontiers in marine science(8)
earth science reviews(5)
eea report (issn 1977-8449)(5)
ecology letters(3)
eea technical report (issn 1725-2237)(3)
nature geoscience(3)
annual review of marine science(2)
climate dynamics(2)
deep-sea research part ii-topical studies in oceanography(2)
geophysical research letters(2)
global environmental change(2)
journal of advances in modeling earth systems(2)
marine policy(2)
ocean & coastal management(2)
proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america(2)