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Development of a multi-assay approach for monitoring coral diversity using eDNA metabarcoding [期刊论文]
Coral Reefs, 2020-01-01, 39 (1
Alexander J.B.;  Bunce M.;  White N.;  Wilkinson S.P.;  Adam A.A.S.;  Berry T.;  Stat M.;  Thomas L.;  Newman S.J.;  Dugal L.;  Richards Z.T.
Large and seasonally varying biospheric CO2 fluxes in the Los Angeles megacity revealed by atmospheric radiocarbon [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020-01-01, 117 (43
Miller J.B.;  Lehman S.J.;  Verhulst K.R.;  Miller C.E.;  Duren R.M.;  Yadav V.;  Newman S.;  Sloop C.D.
A boundary current drives synchronous growth of marine fishes across tropical and temperate latitudes [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2018-01-01, 24 (5
Ong J.J.L.;  Rountrey A.N.;  Black B.A.;  Nguyen H.M.;  Coulson P.G.;  Newman S.J.;  Wakefield C.B.;  Meeuwig J.J.;  Meekan M.G.
Drift waves, intense parallel electric fields, and turbulence associated with asymmetric magnetic reconnection at the magnetopause [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2017-01-01, 44 (7
Ergun R.E.;  Chen L.-J.;  Wilder F.D.;  Ahmadi N.;  Eriksson S.;  Usanova M.E.;  Goodrich K.A.;  Holmes J.C.;  Sturner A.P.;  Malaspina D.M.;  Newman D.L.;  Torbert R.B.;  Argall M.R.;  Lindqvist P.-A.;  Burch J.L.;  Webster J.M.;  Drake J.F.;  Price L.;  Cassak P.A.;  Swisdak M.;  Shay M.A.;  Graham D.B.;  Strangeway R.J.;  Russell C.T.;  Giles B.L.;  Dorelli J.C.;  Gershman D.;  Avanov L.;  Hesse M.;  Lavraud B.;  Le Contel O.;  Retino A.;  Phan T.D.;  Goldman M.V.;  Stawarz J.E.;  Schwartz S.J.;  Eastwood J.P.;  Hwang K.-J.;  Nakamura R.;  Wang S.
Observations of whistler mode waves with nonlinear parallel electric fields near the dayside magnetic reconnection separatrix by the Magnetospheric Multiscale mission [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (12
Wilder F.D.;  Ergun R.E.;  Goodrich K.A.;  Goldman M.V.;  Newman D.L.;  Malaspina D.M.;  Jaynes A.N.;  Schwartz S.J.;  Trattner K.J.;  Burch J.L.;  Argall M.R.;  Torbert R.B.;  Lindqvist P.-A.;  Marklund G.;  Le Contel O.;  Mirioni L.;  Khotyaintsev Y.V.;  Strangeway R.J.;  Russell C.T.;  Pollock C.J.;  Giles B.L.;  Plaschke F.;  Magnes W.;  Eriksson S.;  Stawarz J.E.;  Sturner A.P.;  Holmes J.C.
Magnetospheric Multiscale observations of large-amplitude, parallel, electrostatic waves associated with magnetic reconnection at the magnetopause [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (11
Ergun R.E.;  Holmes J.C.;  Goodrich K.A.;  Wilder F.D.;  Stawarz J.E.;  Eriksson S.;  Newman D.L.;  Schwartz S.J.;  Goldman M.V.;  Sturner A.P.;  Malaspina D.M.;  Usanova M.E.;  Torbert R.B.;  Argall M.;  Lindqvist P.-A.;  Khotyaintsev Y.;  Burch J.L.;  Strangeway R.J.;  Russell C.T.;  Pollock C.J.;  Giles B.L.;  Dorelli J.J.C.;  Avanov L.;  Hesse M.;  Chen L.J.;  Lavraud B.;  Le Contel O.;  Retino A.;  Phan T.D.;  Eastwood J.P.;  Oieroset M.;  Drake J.;  Shay M.A.;  Cassak P.A.;  Nakamura R.;  Zhou M.;  Ashour-Abdalla M.;  André M.
Observations of large-amplitude, parallel, electrostatic waves associated with the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability by the magnetospheric multiscale mission [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (17
Wilder F.D.;  Ergun R.E.;  Schwartz S.J.;  Newman D.L.;  Eriksson S.;  Stawarz J.E.;  Goldman M.V.;  Goodrich K.A.;  Gershman D.J.;  Malaspina D.M.;  Holmes J.C.;  Sturner A.P.;  Burch J.L.;  Torbert R.B.;  Lindqvist P.-A.;  Marklund G.T.;  Khotyaintsev Y.;  Strangeway R.J.;  Russell C.T.;  Pollock C.J.;  Giles B.L.;  Dorrelli J.C.;  Avanov L.A.;  Patterson W.R.;  Plaschke F.;  Magnes W.
Evidence for climate-driven synchrony of marine and terrestrial ecosystems in northwest Australia [期刊论文]
Global change biology, 2016-01-01, 22 (8
Ong J.J.;  Rountrey A.N.;  Zinke J.;  Meeuwig J.J.;  Grierson P.F.;  O'Donnell A.J.;  Newman S.J.;  Lough J.M.;  Trougan M.;  Meekan M.G.
Quantitative hopanoid analysis enables robust pattern detection and comparison between laboratories [期刊论文]
Geobiology, 2015-01-01, 13 (4
Wu C.-H.;  Kong L.;  Bialecka-Fornal M.;  Park S.;  Thompson A.L.;  Kulkarni G.;  Conway S.J.;  Newman D.K.
A verification framework for interannual-to-decadal predictions experiments [期刊论文]
Climate Dynamics, 2013-01-01, 40 (2017-01-02
Goddard L.;  Kumar A.;  Solomon A.;  Smith D.;  Boer G.;  Gonzalez P.;  Kharin V.;  Merryfield W.;  Deser C.;  Mason S.J.;  Kirtman B.P.;  Msadek R.;  Sutton R.;  Hawkins E.;  Fricker T.;  Hegerl G.;  Ferro C.A.T.;  Stephenson D.B.;  Meehl G.A.;  Stockdale T.;  Burgman R.;  Greene A.M.;  Kushnir Y.;  Newman M.;  Carton J.;  Fukumori I.;  Delworth T.