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Sensitivity of the Greenland surface mass and energy balance to uncertainties in key model parameters [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2021-01-01, 15 (6
Zolles T.;  Born A.
Life cycle assessment of winter road maintenance [期刊论文]
International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2020-01-01, 25 (3
Vignisdottir H.R.;  Ebrahimi B.;  Booto G.K.;  O’Born R.;  Brattebø H.;  Wallbaum H.;  Bohne R.A.
A low climate threshold for south Greenland Ice Sheet demise during the Late Pleistocene [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020-01-01, 117 (1
Irvalı N.;  Galaasen E.V.;  Ninnemann U.S.;  Rosenthal Y.;  Born A.;  Kleiven H.F.
A low climate threshold for south Greenland Ice Sheet demise during the Late Pleistocene [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020-01-01, 117 (1
Irvalı N.;  Galaasen E.V.;  Ninnemann U.S.;  Rosenthal Y.;  Born A.;  Kleiven H.F.
A low climate threshold for south Greenland Ice Sheet demise during the Late Pleistocene [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020-01-01, 117 (1
Irvalı N.;  Galaasen E.V.;  Ninnemann U.S.;  Rosenthal Y.;  Born A.;  Kleiven H.F.
A low climate threshold for south Greenland Ice Sheet demise during the Late Pleistocene [期刊论文]
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020-01-01, 117 (1
Irvalı N.;  Galaasen E.V.;  Ninnemann U.S.;  Rosenthal Y.;  Born A.;  Kleiven H.F.
GrSMBMIP: Intercomparison of the modelled 1980-2012 surface mass balance over the Greenland Ice Sheet [期刊论文]
Cryosphere, 2020-01-01, 14 (11
Fettweis X.;  Hofer S.;  Krebs-Kanzow U.;  Amory C.;  Aoki T.;  Berends C.J.;  Born A.;  Box J.E.;  Delhasse A.;  Fujita K.;  Gierz P.;  Goelzer H.;  Hanna E.;  Hashimoto A.;  Huybrechts P.;  Kapsch M.-L.;  King M.D.;  Kittel C.;  Lang C.;  Langen P.L.;  Lenaerts J.T.M.;  Liston G.E.;  Lohmann G.;  Mernild S.H.;  Mikolajewicz U.;  Modali K.;  Mottram R.H.;  Niwano M.;  Noël B.;  Ryan J.C.;  Smith A.;  Streffing J.;  Tedesco M.;  Jan Van De Berg W.;  Van Den Broeke M.;  Van De Wal R.S.W.;  Van Kampenhout L.;  Wilton D.;  Wouters B.;  Ziemen F.;  Zolles T.
Coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean dynamics in Dansgaard-Oeschger events [期刊论文]
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2019-01-01, 203
Li C.;  Born A.
Coupled atmosphere-ice-ocean dynamics in Dansgaard-Oeschger events [期刊论文]
QUATERNARY SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2019-01-01, 203) : 1-20
Li, Camille;  Born, Andreas
Tree mortality submodels drive simulated long-term forest dynamics: assessing 15 models from the stand to global scale [期刊论文]
ECOSPHERE, 2019-01-01, 10 (2
Bugmann, Harald;  Seidl, Rupert;  Hartig, Florian;  Bohn, Friedrich;  Bruna, Josef;  Cailleret, Maxime;  Francois, Louis;  Heinke, Jens;  Henrot, Alexandra-Jane;  Hickler, Thomas;  Huelsmann, Lisa;  Huth, Andreas;  Jacquemin, Ingrid;  Kollas, Chris;  Lasch-Born, Petra;  Lexer, Manfred J.;  Merganic, Jan;  Merganicova, Katarna;  Mette, Tobias;  Miranda, Brian R.;  Nadal-Sala, Daniel;  Rammer, Werner;  Rammig, Anja;  Reineking, Bjoern;  Roedig, Edna;  Sabate, Santi;  Steinkamp, Jorg;  Suckow, Felicitas;  Vacchiano, Giorgio;  Wild, Jan;  Xu, Chonggang;  Reyer, Christopher P. O.

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