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Freshening of the Mediterranean Salt Giant: controversies and certainties around the terminal (Upper Gypsum and Lago-Mare) phases of the Messinian Salinity Crisis [期刊论文]
Earth Science Reviews, 2021-01-01, 216
Andreetto F.;  Aloisi G.;  Raad F.;  Heida H.;  Flecker R.;  Agiadi K.;  Lofi J.;  Blondel S.;  Bulian F.;  Camerlenghi A.;  Caruso A.;  Ebner R.;  Garcia-Castellanos D.;  Gaullier V.;  Guibourdenche L.;  Gvirtzman Z.;  Hoyle T.M.;  Meijer P.T.;  Moneron J.;  Sierro F.J.;  Travan G.;  Tzevahirtzian A.;  Vasiliev I.;  Krijgsman W.
Quaternary time scales for the Pontocaspian domain: Interbasinal connectivity and faunal evolution [期刊论文]
EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS, 2019-01-01, 188) : 1-40
Krijgsman, W.;  Tesakov, A.;  Yanina, T.;  Lazarev, S.;  Danukalova, G.;  Van Baak, C. G. C.;  Agusti, J.;  Alcicek, M. C.;  Aliyeva, E.;  Bista, D.;  Bruch, A.;  Buyukmeric, Y.;  Bukhsianidze, M.;  Flecker, R.;  Frolov, P.;  Hoyle, T. M.;  Jorissen, E. L.;  Kirscher, U.;  Koriche, S. A.;  Kroonenberg, S. B.;  Lordkipanidze, D.;  Oms, O.;  Rausch, L.;  Singarayer, J.;  Stoica, M.;  van de Velder, S.;  Titov, V. V.;  Wesselingh, F. P.
A global perspective on tropical montane rivers [期刊论文]
SCIENCE, 2019-01-01, 365 (6458) : 1124-1129
Encalada, Andrea C.;  Flecker, Alexander S.;  Poff, N. LeRoy;  Suarez, Esteban;  Herrera-R, Guido A.;  Rios-Touma, Blanca;  Jumani, Suman;  Larson, Erin I.;  Anderson, Elizabeth P.
Chronology with a pinch of salt: Integrated stratigraphy of Messinian evaporites in the deep Eastern Mediterranean reveals long-lasting halite deposition during Atlantic connectivity [期刊论文]
Earth Science Reviews, 2019-01-01, 194
Meilijson A.;  Hilgen F.;  Sepúlveda J.;  Steinberg J.;  Fairbank V.;  Flecker R.;  Waldmann N.D.;  Spaulding S.A.;  Bialik O.M.;  Boudinot F.G.;  Illner P.;  Makovsky Y.
Astronomical tuning for the upper Messinian Spanish Atlantic margin: Disentangling basin evolution, climate cyclicity and MOW [期刊论文]
Global and Planetary Change, 2015-01-01, 135
van den Berg B.C.J.;  Sierro F.J.;  Hilgen F.J.;  Flecker R.;  Larrasoaña J.C.;  Krijgsman W.;  Flores J.A.;  Mata M.P.;  Bellido Martín E.;  Civis J.;  González-Delgado J.A.
Disentangling the roles of late Miocene palaeogeography and vegetation - Implications for climate sensitivity [期刊论文]
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2015-01-01, 417
Bradshaw C.D.;  Lunt D.J.;  Flecker R.;  Davies-Barnard T.
Orbital control on late Miocene climate and the North African monsoon: Insight from an ensemble of sub-precessional simulations [期刊论文]
Climate of the Past, 2015-01-01, 11 (10
Marzocchi A.;  Lunt D.J.;  Flecker R.;  Bradshaw C.D.;  Farnsworth A.;  Hilgen F.J.
Sensitivity of modern climate to the presence, strength and salinity of Mediterranean-Atlantic exchange in a global general circulation model [期刊论文]
Climate Dynamics, 2014-01-01, 42 (2017-03-04
Ivanovic R.F.;  Valdes P.J.;  Gregoire L.;  Flecker R.;  Gutjahr M.
Erratum: The relative roles of CO2 and palaeogeography in determining late Miocene climate: Results from a terrestrial model-data comparison" published in (Climate of the Past (2012) 8 (1257-1285)) [期刊论文]
Climate of the Past, 2014-01-01, 10 (1
Bradshaw C.D.;  Lunt D.J.;  Flecker R.;  Salzmann U.;  Pound M.J.;  Haywood A.M.;  Eronen J.T.
Modelling global-scale climate impacts of the late Miocene Messinian Salinity Crisis [期刊论文]
Climate of the Past, 2014-01-01, 10 (2
Ivanovic R.F.;  Valdes P.J.;  Flecker R.;  Gutjahr M.

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