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The Community Earth System Model Version 2 (CESM2) [期刊论文]
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2020-01-01, 12 (2
Danabasoglu G.;  Lamarque J.-F.;  Bacmeister J.;  Bailey D.A.;  DuVivier A.K.;  Edwards J.;  Emmons L.K.;  Fasullo J.;  Garcia R.;  Gettelman A.;  Hannay C.;  Holland M.M.;  Large W.G.;  Lauritzen P.H.;  Lawrence D.M.;  Lenaerts J.T.M.;  Lindsay K.;  Lipscomb W.H.;  Mills M.J.;  Neale R.;  Oleson K.W.;  Otto-Bliesner B.;  Phillips A.S.;  Sacks W.;  Tilmes S.;  van Kampenhout L.;  Vertenstein M.;  Bertini A.;  Dennis J.;  Deser C.;  Fischer C.;  Fox-Kemper B.;  Kay J.E.;  Kinnison D.;  Kushner P.J.;  Larson V.E.;  Long M.C.;  Mickelson S.;  Moore J.K.;  Nienhouse E.;  Polvani L.;  Rasch P.J.;  Strand W.G.
Impacts of thermal mismatches on chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis prevalence are moderated by life stage, body size, elevation and latitude [期刊论文]
ECOLOGY LETTERS, 2019-01-01, 22 (5) : 817-825
Cohen, Jeremy M.;  McMahon, Taegan A.;  Ramsay, Chloe;  Roznik, Elizabeth A.;  Sauer, Erin L.;  Bessler, Scott;  Civitello, David J.;  Delius, Bryan K.;  Halstead, Neal;  Knutie, Sarah A.;  Nguyen, Karena H.;  Ortega, Nicole;  Sears, Brittany;  Venesky, Matthew D.;  Young, Suzanne;  Rohr, Jason R.
Thinking about LIPs: A brief history of ideas in Large igneous province research [期刊论文]
TECTONOPHYSICS, 2019-01-01, 760) : 229-251
Svensen, Henrik H.;  Jerram, Dougal A.;  Polozov, Alexander G.;  Planke, Sverre;  Neal, Clive R.;  Augland, Lars E.;  Emeleus, Henry C.
Shifting perceptions of rapid temperature changes' effects on marine fisheries, 1945-2017 [期刊论文]
McClenachan, Loren;  Grabowski, Jonathan H.;  Marra, Madison;  McKeon, C. Seabird;  Neal, Benjamin P.;  Record, Nicholas R.;  Scyphers, Steven B.
Assessing the characteristics and drivers of compound flooding events around the UK coast [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2019-01-01, 23 (7
Hendry A.;  Haigh I.D.;  Nicholls R.J.;  Winter H.;  Neal R.;  Wahl T.;  Joly-Lauge A.;  Darby S.E.
The Role of Convective Gustiness in Reducing Seasonal Precipitation Biases in the Tropical West Pacific [期刊论文]
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2018-01-01,
Harrop B;  E;  , Ma P;  -L;  , Rasch P;  J;  , Neale R;  B;  , Hannay C
Analysis of endocrine activity in drinking water, surface water and treated wastewater from six countries [期刊论文]
Water Research, 2018-01-01, 139
Leusch F.D.L.;  Neale P.A.;  Arnal C.;  Aneck-Hahn N.H.;  Balaguer P.;  Bruchet A.;  Escher B.I.;  Esperanza M.;  Grimaldi M.;  Leroy G.;  Scheurer M.;  Schlichting R.;  Schriks M.;  Hebert A.
Bioanalytical assessment of adaptive stress responses in drinking water: A predictive tool to differentiate between micropollutants and disinfection by-products [期刊论文]
Water Research, 2018-01-01, 132
Hebert A.;  Feliers C.;  Lecarpentier C.;  Neale P.A.;  Schlichting R.;  Thibert S.;  Escher B.I.
Simulation of the Central Indian Ocean Mode in CESM: Implications for the Indian Summer Monsoon System [期刊论文]
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 2018-01-01, 123 (1
Zhou L.;  Murtugudde R.;  Neale R.B.;  Jochum M.
A new precipitation and drought climatology based on weather patterns [期刊论文]
International Journal of Climatology, 2018-01-01, 38 (2
Richardson D.;  Fowler H.J.;  Kilsby C.G.;  Neal R.

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