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Mercury and sulfur isotopic evidence for the linkages between the ca. 510 Ma Kalkarindji large igneous province and trilobite crisis [期刊论文]
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021-01-01, 566
Liu Z.-R.R.;  Zhou M.-F.;  Chen W.T.;  Williams-Jones A.E.;  Li X.-D.;  Yin R.-S.;  O'Brien H.;  Lahaye Y.
Tunguska сoals, Siberian sills and the Permian-Triassic extinction [期刊论文]
Earth Science Reviews, 2021-01-01, 212
Davydov V.I.
Impacts of the desulfurization price subsidy policy on SO2 reduction: Evidence from China's coal-fired power plants [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 157
Ai H.;  Zhou Z.;  Li K.;  Kang Z.-Y.
Potential output gap in China's regional coal-fired power sector under the constraint of carbon emission reduction [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 148
Chen Z.;  Zhao W.;  Zheng H.
Green finance and the restructuring of the oil-gas-coal business model under carbon asset stranding constraints [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 149
Chevallier J.;  Goutte S.;  Ji Q.;  Guesmi K.
Using real options to value capacity additions and investment expenditures in renewable energies in India [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 148
Das Gupta S.
Can China decarbonize its electricity sector? [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 148
Demetriou E.;  Hadjistassou C.
Driving mechanism and decoupling effect of PM2.5 emissions: Empirical evidence from China's industrial sector [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 149
Fang D.;  Yu B.
When extractive political institutions affect public-private partnerships: Empirical evidence from Indonesia's independent power producers under two political regimes* [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 149
Gultom Y.M.L.
Political polarization in support for subsidizing unprofitable coal power plants [期刊论文]
Energy Policy, 2021-01-01, 150
Hart P.S.;  Stedman R.C.;  Clarke C.E.

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