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Observing subsurface changes of two anticyclonic eddies passing over the Izu-Ogasawara Ridge [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2017-01-01, 44 (4
Xu L.;  Xie S.-P.;  Jing Z.;  Wu L.;  Liu Q.;  Li P.;  Du Y.
Enhanced haze pollution by black carbon in megacities in China [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (6
Ding A.J.;  Huang X.;  Nie W.;  Sun J.N.;  Kerminen V.-M.;  Petäjä T.;  Su H.;  Cheng Y.F.;  Yang X.-Q.;  Wang M.H.;  Chi X.G.;  Wang J.P.;  Virkkula A.;  Guo W.D.;  Yuan J.;  Wang S.Y.;  Zhang R.J.;  Wu Y.F.;  Song Y.;  Zhu T.;  Zilitinkevich S.;  Kulmala M.;  Fu C.B.
Suppressed midlatitude summer atmospheric warming by Arctic sea ice loss during 1979-2012 [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (6
Wu Q.;  Cheng L.;  Chan D.;  Yao Y.;  Hu H.;  Yao Y.
Effects of magnetospheric lobe cell convection on dayside upper thermospheric winds at high latitudes [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (16
Zhang B.;  Wang W.;  Wu Q.;  Knipp D.;  Kilcommons L.;  Brambles O.J.;  Liu J.;  Wiltberger M.;  Lyon J.G.;  Häggström I.
Soil organic carbon stabilization by iron in permafrost regions of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (19
Mu C.C.;  Zhang T.J.;  Zhao Q.;  Guo H.;  Zhong W.;  Su H.;  Wu Q.B.
Magnetic islands formed due to the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in the outflow region of collisionless magnetic reconnection [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2015-01-01, 42 (18
Huang C.;  Lu Q.;  Guo F.;  Wu M.;  Du A.;  Wang S.
First satellite-detected perturbations of outgoing longwave radiation associated with blowing snow events over Antarctica [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2014-01-01, 41 (2
Yang Y.;  Palm S.P.;  Marshak A.;  Wu D.L.;  Yu H.;  Fu Q.
GPS constrained coseismic source and slip distribution of the 2013 Mw6.6 Lushan, China, earthquake and its tectonic implications [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2014-01-01, 41 (2
Jiang Z.;  Wang M.;  Wang Y.;  Wu Y.;  Che S.;  Shen Z.-K.;  Bürgmann R.;  Sun J.;  Yang Y.;  Liao H.;  Li Q.
Effects of westerly wind bursts on El Niño: A new perspective [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2014-01-01, 41 (10
Lian T.;  Chen D.;  Tang Y.;  Wu Q.
Observation of double layer in the separatrix region during magnetic reconnection [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2014-01-01, 41 (14
Wang R.;  Lu Q.;  Khotyaintsev Y.V.;  Volwerk M.;  Du A.;  Nakamura R.;  Gonzalez W.D.;  Sun X.;  Baumjohann W.;  Li X.;  Zhang T.;  Fazakerley A.N.;  Huang C.;  Wu M.

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