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Evaluation of pepper mild mottle virus as an indicator of human faecal pollution in shellfish and growing waters [期刊论文]
Water Research, 2019-01-01, 154
Gyawali P.;  Croucher D.;  Ahmed W.;  Devane M.;  Hewitt J.
Hydro-geophysical characterization and performance evaluation of natural wetlands in a semi-arid wastewater irrigated landscape [期刊论文]
Water Research, 2019-01-01, 148
Sonkamble S.;  Sahya A.;  Jampani M.;  Ahmed S.;  Amerasinghe P.
Impacts of a changing earth on microbial dynamics and human health risks in the continuum between beach water and sand [期刊论文]
WATER RESEARCH, 2019-01-01, 162) : 456-470
Weiskerger, Chelsea J.;  Brandao, Joao;  Ahmed, Warish;  Aslan, Asli;  Avolio, Lindsay;  Badgley, Brian D.;  Boehm, Alexandria B.;  Edge, Thomas A.;  Fleisher, Jay M.;  Heaney, Christopher D.;  Jordao, Luisa;  Kinzelman, Julie L.;  Klaus, James S.;  Kleinheinz, Gregory T.;  Merilainen, Paivi;  Nshimyimana, Jean Pierre;  Phanikumar, Mantha S.;  Piggot, Alan M.;  Pitkanen, Tarja;  Robinson, Clare;  Sadowsky, Michael J.;  Staley, Christopher;  Staley, Zachery R.;  Symonds, Erin M.;  Vogel, Laura J.;  Yamahara, Kevan M.;  Whitman, Richard L.;  Solo-Gabriele, Helena M.;  Harwood, Valerie J.