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High-tide flooding disrupts local economic activity [期刊论文]
SCIENCE ADVANCES, 2019-01-01, 5 (2
Hino, Miyuki;  Belanger, Samanthe Tiver;  Field, Christopher B.;  Davies, Alexander R.;  Mach, Katharine J.
Strengthened scientific support for the Endangerment Finding for atmospheric greenhouse gases [期刊论文]
SCIENCE, 2019-01-01, 363 (6427) : 597-+
Duffy, Philip B.;  Field, Christopher B.;  Diffenbaugh, Noah S.;  Doney, Scott C.;  Dutton, Zoe;  Goodman, Sherri;  Heinzerling, Lisa;  Hsiang, Solomon;  Lobell, David B.;  Mickley, Loretta J.;  Myers, Samuel;  Natali, Susan M.;  Parmesan, Camille;  Tierney, Susan;  Williams, A. Park
Long-termelevated CO2 shifts composition of soil microbial communities in a Californian annual grassland, reducing growth and N utilization potentials [期刊论文]
SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT, 2019-01-01, 652) : 1474-1481
Yang, Sihang;  Zheng, Qiaoshu;  Yuan, Mengting;  Shi, Zhou;  Chiariello, Nona R.;  Docherty, Kathryn M.;  Dong, Shikui;  Field, Christopher B.;  Gu, Yunfu;  Gutknecht, Jessica;  Hungate, Bruce A.;  Le Roux, Xavier;  Ma, Xingyu;  Niboyet, Audrey;  Yuan, Tong;  Zhou, Jizhong;  Yang, Yunfeng
Climate as a risk factor for armed conflict [期刊论文]
NATURE, 2019-01-01, 571 (7764) : 193-+
Mach, Katharine J.;  Kraan, Caroline M.;  Adger, W. Neil;  Buhaug, Halvard;  Burke, Marshall;  Fearon, James D.;  Field, Christopher B.;  Hendrix, Cullen S.;  Maystadt, Jean-Francois;  O';  Loughlin, John;  Roessler, Philip;  Scheffran, Juergen;  Schultz, Kenneth A.;  von Uexkull, Nina