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The potential for land sparing to offset greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture [期刊论文]
Nature Climate Change, 2016-01-04, Volume:6,Pages:488–492 (2016)
Anthony Lamb;  Rhys Green;  Ian Bateman;  Mark Broadmeadow;  Toby Bruce;  Jennifer Burney;  Pete Carey;  David Chadwick;  Ellie Crane;  Rob Field;  Keith Goulding;  Howard Griffiths;  Astley Hastings;  Tim Kasoar;  Daniel Kindred;  Ben Phalan;  John Pickett;  Pete Smith;  Eileen Wall;  Erasmus K. H. J. zu Ermgassen;  Andrew Balmford
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Individual particle morphology, coatings, and impurities of black carbon aerosols in Antarctic ice and tropical rainfall [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2016-01-01, 43 (22
Ellis A.;  Edwards R.;  Saunders M.;  Chakrabarty R.K.;  Subramanian R.;  Timms N.E.;  van Riessen A.;  Smith A.M.;  Lambrinidis D.;  Nunes L.J.;  Vallelonga P.;  Goodwin I.D.;  Moy A.D.;  Curran M.A.J.;  van Ommen T.D.
Synthesizing Global and Local Datasets to Estimate Jurisdictional Forest Carbon Fluxes in Berau, Indonesia [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2016-01-01, 11 (1
Bronson W. Griscom;  Peter W. Ellis;  Alessandro Baccini;  Delon Marthinus;  Jeffrey S. Evans;  Ruslandi
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Fires increase Amazon forest productivity through increases in diffuse radiation [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2015-01-01, 42 (11
Rap A.;  Spracklen D.V.;  Mercado L.;  Reddington C.L.;  Haywood J.M.;  Ellis R.J.;  Phillips O.L.;  Artaxo P.;  Bonal D.;  Restrepo Coupe N.;  Butt N.