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Observations of a large-scale gravity wave propagating over an extremely large horizontal distance in the thermosphere [期刊论文]
Geophysical Research Letters, 2015-01-01, 42 (16
Guo J.;  Forbes J.M.;  Wei F.;  Feng X.;  Liu H.;  Wan W.;  Yang Z.;  Liu C.;  Emery B.A.;  Deng Y.
A specialized feeding habit of early permian oribatid mites [期刊论文]
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2015-01-01, 417
Feng Z.;  Schneider J.W.;  Labandeira C.C.;  Kretzschmar R.;  Röler R.
Corrigendum to "Late Cretaceous (Campanian) Provenance change in the Songliao Basin, NE China: Evidence from detrital zircon U-Pb ages from the Yaojia and Nenjiang Formations" [Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 385C (2013) 83-94] [期刊论文]
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2015-01-01, 430
Zhao B.;  Wang C.;  Wang X.;  Feng Z.
Wood decay of Xenoxylon yunnanensis Feng sp. nov. from the Middle Jurassic of Yunnan Province, China [期刊论文]
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2015-01-01, 433
Feng Z.;  Wei H.-B.;  Wang C.-L.;  Chen Y.-X.;  Shen J.-J.;  Yang J.-Y.
Constraints to nitrogen acquisition of terrestrial plants under elevated CO2 [期刊论文]
Global Change Biology, 2015-01-01, 21 (8
Feng Z.;  Rütting T.;  Pleijel H.;  Wallin G.;  Reich P.B.;  Kammann C.I.;  Newton P.C.D.;  Kobayashi K.;  Luo Y.;  Uddling J.
CH4 emissions and reduction potential in wastewater treatment in China [期刊论文]
Advances in Climate Change Research, 2015-01-01, 6 (2017-03-04
Ma Z.-Y.;  Feng P.;  Gao Q.-X.;  Lu Y.-N.;  Liu J.-R.;  Li W.-T.
Simulations of cloud-radiation interaction using large-scale forcing derived from the CINDY/DYNAMO northern sounding array [期刊论文]
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2015-01-01, 7 (3
Wang S;  , Sobel A;  H;  , Fridlind A;  , Feng Z;  , Comstock J;  M;  , Minnis P;  , Nordeen M;  L
Advection, moistening, and shallow-to-deep convection transitions during the initiation and propagation of Madden-Julian Oscillation [期刊论文]
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2015-01-01, 6 (3
Hagos S;  , Feng Z;  , Landu K;  , Long C;  N
Mechanisms of convective cloud organization by cold pools over tropical warm ocean during the AMIE/DYNAMO field campaign [期刊论文]
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2015-01-01, 7 (2
Feng Z;  , Hagos S;  , Rowe A;  K;  , Burleyson C;  D;  , Martini M;  N;  , De Szoeke S;  P
Characteristics and seasonal variation of organic matter in PM2.5 at a regional background site of the Yangtze River Delta region, China [期刊论文]
Atmospheric Environment, 2015-01-01, 123
Feng J;  , Hu J;  , Xu B;  , Hu X;  , Sun P;  , Han W;  , Gu Z;  , Yu X;  , Wu M

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