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Deep Borehole Field Test Research Activities at LBNL [研究报告]
Dobson, Patrick;  Tsang, Chin-Fu;  Kneafsey, Timothy;  Borglin, Sharon;  Piceno, Yvette;  Andersen, Gary;  Nakagawa, Seiji;  Nihei, Kurt;  Rutqvist, Jonny;  Doughty, Christine;  Reagan, Matthew
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Surface deformation from a pressurized subsurface fracture: Problem description [研究报告]
Fu, P
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GEOS. User Tutorials [研究报告]
Fu, Pengchen;  Settgast, Randolph R.;  Johnson, Scott M.
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Radiative Energy Balance in the Tropical Tropopause Layer: An Investigation with ARM Data [研究报告]
Fu, Qiang
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Mobilizing climate investment: the role of international climate finance in creating scaled-up, low-carbon energy [研究报告]
WRI. 2013-01-01
Clifford Polycarp;  Louise Brown;  Xing Fu-Bertaux;  World Resources Institute
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Closure Report for Corrective Action Unit 116: Area 25 Test Cell C Facility, Nevada National Security Site, Nevada [研究报告]
Weiland, Mark A.;  Ploskey, Gene R.;  Hughes, James S.;  Deng, Zhiqun;  Fu, Tao;  Kim, Jin A.;  Johnson, Gary E.;  Fischer, Eric S.;  Khan, Fenton;  Zimmerman, Shon A.;  Faber, Derrek M.;  Carter, Kathleen M.;  Boyd, James W.;  Townsend, Richard L.;  Skalski, J. R.;  Mo
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Mitigating Corruption in Government Security Forces: The Role of Institutions, Incentives, and Personnel Management in Mexico [研究报告]
RAND Corporation. 2011-01-01
Beth J. Asch;  Nicholas Burger;  Mary Manqing Fu
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Reactive Transport and Coupled THM Processes in Engineering Barrier Systems (EBS) [研究报告]
Steefel, Carl;  Rutqvist, Jonny;  Tsang, Chin-Fu;  Liu, Hui-Hai;  Sonnenthal, Eric;  Houseworth, Jim;  Birkholzer, Jens
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