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Paleoelevation of Tibetan Lunpola basin in the Oligocene-Miocene transition estimated from leaf wax lipid dual isotopes [期刊论文]
Global and Planetary Change, 2015-01-01, 126
Jia G.;  Bai Y.;  Ma Y.;  Sun J.;  Peng P.
Feldspar dissolution, authigenic clays, and quartz cements in open and closed sandstone geochemical systems during diagenesis: Typical examples from two sags in Bohai Bay Basin, East China [期刊论文]
AAPG Bulletin, 2015-01-01, 99 (11
Yuan G.;  Cao Y.;  Cluyas J.;  Li X.;  Xi K.;  Wang Y.;  Jia Z.;  Sun P.;  Oxtoby N.H.
Optimization of Causative Factors for Landslide Susceptibility Evaluation Using Remote Sensing and GIS Data in Parts of Niigata, Japan [期刊论文]
PLOS ONE, 2015-01-01, 10 (7
Jie Dou;  Dieu Tien Bui;  Ali P. Yunus;  Kun Jia;  Xuan Song;  Inge Revhaug;  Huan Xia;  Zhongfan Zhu
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Reconstruction of a paleotemperature record from 0.3-3.7ka for subtropical South China using lacustrine branched GDGTs from Huguangyan Maar [期刊论文]
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 2015-01-01, 435
Hu J.;  Zhou H.;  Peng P.;  Yang X.;  Spiro B.;  Jia G.;  Wei G.;  Ouyang T.
Biogeochemical evidence of holocene east asian summer and winter monsoon variability from a tropical maar lake in southern China [期刊论文]
Quaternary Science Reviews, 2015-01-01, 111
Jia G.;  Bai Y.;  Yang X.;  Xie L.;  Wei G.;  Ouyang T.;  Chu G.;  Liu Z.;  Peng P.
Variations in quantity, composition and grain size of Changjiang sediment discharging into the sea in response to human activities [期刊论文]
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 2015-01-01, 19 (2
Gao J;  H;  , Jia J;  , Wang Y;  P;  , Yang Y;  , Li J;  , Bai F;  , Zou X;  , Gao S